Prioritize to Just Sell Homes in Sacramento

Home-for-sale-sacramentoSome people find it very difficult, almost impossible in some cases, to prioritize. Now that I am in my 60s, I’d like to believe that I have a pretty good handle on prioritization, especially for my Sacramento real estate business. There are days when I’ve got a ton of information coming at me from all directions: emails from buyer’s agents asking questions about listings, voice mails from a person who called at the same time I was on the phone, media desiring interviews, potential sellers, sellers whose homes are listed but not yet sold, sellers in escrow, buyers who want to purchase homes in Sacramento, and this doesn’t count my support team or escrow much less the time-waster sales guys.

What does one do first in any given day? Chase the new business, handle the existing business, process purchase offers, negotiate counters, suppress those Request for Repairs, what? I look to sell homes in Sacramento. This Sacramento REALTOR handles her existing business always foremost. It’s simple for me that way. Existing clients get priority.

Sometimes I’ll answer the phone and a person will introduce himself, state his company affiliation and before he gets another word out of his mouth, I find myself explaining that I am on the Do Not Call list and please honor it and don’t continue to call me. Then I hang up before he get can slip another word in edgewise. I’m lucky that reporters don’t sound like salespeople on the phone. Nope, salespeople are far too chipper and perky. They shouldn’t be calling me anyway, and if I needed a particular product, I’m not buying it over the phone or from an email or from some dude standing on my front steps because nothing good has ever come from that for anybody in the world.

I know some Sacramento REALTORS who wish that a few of their listings would go away. Especially if the days on market begin to linger, and they face more exhaustion trying to sell the home. This REALTOR, on the other hand, always figure if I went to the trouble to obtain the listing, then I need to focus on my objective to sell homes in Sacramento. Why go out and look for another listing to sell when I have an existing listing right under my very nose waiting for me to sell it? All I need to do is try a different approach if my existing plan doesn’t work.

That listing is already there. Just sell it. Hey, yeah, that should be my new motto: Just Sell It. So, that’s my focus and prioritization regardless of how long it takes. Because it’s not up to me how long it takes to just sell homes in Sacramento. It can be the market conditions or seller pricing or a bazillion other forces out of my control. Right now is a good time to be on the market, though, because we’ve passed Winterfell and are moving into a new year; bring on the dragons.

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