Reservations for Dining in Midtown Sacramento for Friday Night


Elizabeth Weintraub in Midtown, Sacramento

The only time I ever watch trashy daytime TV is when I’m getting a manicure over at Galaxy Nails in Land Park. Can’t help it. It’s right there in front of you, and I admit to getting sucked in to view some of the most ridiculous stuff I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Don’t get me started on Dr. Oz, either. The show yesterday was Steve Harvey promoting crowdsourcing dating, and some woman who claimed to have her life booked out 4 months in advance, which means she has no time to date.

I cannot in a million years imagine booking my schedule so heavily that I couldn’t turn around for 4 months without bumping into my next appointment. That seems insane. But that’s how people are today. As I drove past Crocker Elementary School on Riverside, a person could not help but notice the number of parents standing on the sidewalk and meandering about the grounds with their children.

No comparison to my past — just saying if my parents had come to my grade school to pick me up, that would have been because President Eisenhower had just blown up the world and we were in the middle of a nuclear holocaust.

You can’t even get a dinner reservation on a Friday night at a decent restaurant in Midtown Sacramento if you suddenly decide on a whim, like I generally do, that an evening out dining would be a spectacular way to spend some quality time with your husband. It’s difficult to go dining in Midtown because most of the top spots require dinner reservations a week in advance. Now, one can go to Ella Dining Room and Bar and sit at the bar without a reservation or dine outside, but it’s too cold outside.

Through Open Table, I was lucky to snatch a reservation at the Waterboy. Every other restaurant I desired for dining in Midtown was booked solid through my preferred dining hours, and by all rights, Waterboy should have been as well. It was a fluke.

I remember the old adage about living in California: the only place where people stand in line at midnight at 7-11.

Still, I wouldn’t trade living in California and selling Sacramento real estate for anything. Well, maybe a house on the ocean in Maui — when I make my next $5 million.

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