Fired Up: Sacramento Real Estate Market and Ticketmaster

Fire InfographicsCall it March Madness if you like, but the Sacramento real estate market is on fire. It’s a seller’s market in full swing, especially in areas where demand is high and homes are in good condition. Certain homes that a year ago might have taken 6 months to sell are attracting dozens and dozens of open house guests, and multiple offers are the norm. Our pending sales are about to exceed the number of active listings, so if you’re on the fence about selling, let me assure you that today, right NOW, you should be on the market.

I observe stuff going on even when I’m horribly busy as a Sacramento REALTOR. For example, in the middle of talking to a buyer yesterday about making an offer on another home, I received an email from Ticketmaster. Didn’t look at the email until I hung up the phone and yowza, the email started out about inclement weather back East slowing response times for them, yet I realized that I have not recently bought any tickets through Ticketmaster. But I do have an account at Ticketmaster.

Reading further, I noticed that Ticketmaster had mixed up my account with a person who lived in Texas, and this woman was trying to buy Cirque du Soleil tickets. She had emailed Ticketmaster about a problem with her account, and Ticketmaster responded, along with her name, her phone number, the last four digits of her credit card number, the name of her credit card company, its toll-free phone number, and they mixed up all of this with my email account. They responded to me and not to her.

That’s pretty scary. I wonder how many other customers have mixed-up accounts at Ticketmaster.

The first thing I did was call the woman in Texas to let her know what happened on her voice mail and mentioned that I hoped nobody was stealing her identity. Next, I called Ticketmaster to report the problem. After running through an asinine system in which the automated operator can’t understand anything and placed on hold for 18 minutes, I finally got through to a person who could escalate this situation to a supervisor.

If you’ve recently ordered tickets through Ticketmaster, you might want to make sure you have actually received those tickets and all of the information is your account is accurate. Be on the lookout for anything suspicious.

February Real Estate Trends Sacramento

Sacramento County, February 2015, Real Estate Market Trends

Moreover, if you’re thinking about selling your home in Sacramento or anywhere in our region, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. I ranked in?the Top 3 Producers?at Lyon Real Estate for last month, even in a market of limited inventory and closed 9 listings. My listings sell and my sellers are ecstatic. Don’t go on the market in May or June when inventory is high and buyers might pass on your home, put your home on the market today! You can afford to hire the best, so don’t settle for less.

Trendgraphics for Sacramento County, February 2015

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