busy Sacramento Realtor

Just Another Week In The Life Of A Busy Sacramento Realtor

Busy Sacramento Realtor

Just another week in the life of a busy Sacramento Realtor. Can I tell you It has been a week from hell? From a broken computer, a broken color printer to a defunct camera and taking a bad fall, what a week. While attending a virtual tour shoot a few days ago, I fell off a concrete step. 

I was standing backward at the time, talking to my sellers and the photographer. While trying to move out of the photographer’s way, I was taking a step back. Next thing I knew, wham, down on the concrete I tumbled. My ankle rolled over onto its side. Next, my wrist hits the ground to try and break my fall. Finally, the weight of my body onto my wrist sends a jolt up to my shoulder, ouch. Falling downward, felt like slow motion cinematography. I’m thinking to myself, “yup, I just fell down. “

Nothing was broken, but I did sprain my ankle, my wrist and banged up my shoulder. It was my left side, thank goodness. I’m right-handed, and my right foot is my driving foot so I can still function. Being a pretty good texter even with one hand. I find typing with one hand is not much different than texting. I’m not a great two-handed typist either, lol.

The sellers thought I was a trooper as I finished the shoot. I got up from the chair hobbled about for a moment but I could not stand the pain anymore. “Time to go home,” I said to my clients, ” the ankle is swelling, I need to go.” Driving home, my left foot was throbbing. The best thing to do is elevate my ankle, and load up my left side with ice packs. My assistant had to reschedule much of the afternoon. After a few hours on the ice, I went to a new listing appointment at 7:30 PM. The clients were very impressed as I hobbled up the stairs to look at their home (had a tight wrap on the ankle). It always can be worse, I thought.

Thank goodness nothing was broken. Arriving home after my last appointment at 9:00 PM, I quickly grabbed a bite of food. It was time to get back to work from the couch. Ice pack on the wrist, the ankle elevated and iced and the shoulder packed over with frozen peas. I had my laptop, my phones next to me and my camera card reader so that I could work a few more hours, from the couch. As a busy Sacramento Realtor, we cannot let anything get in our way.

” Just another week at work.” I’m sure you can relate. Afterward, of course, I’m thinking why were you wearing patent leather two-inch heels on an outdoor photo shoot? Hindsight is always 2020. The moral of the story, you can’t let things get in your way. As a busy Sacramento Realtor, you work around them, and multi-task to the best of your ability.

If you are interested in buying or selling real estate please call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors with RE/MAX Gold, at 916-233-6759.

— JaCi Wallace

JaCi Wallace
Weintraub & Wallace

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