Sacramento Real Estate Agents Who Get Results Develop Confidence

Purchase Agreement For HouseYou know what kind of listings the top-ranking Sacramento real estate agents prefers to take? You might think it’s the luxury homes in Granite Bay or El Dorado Hills at a million or more or maybe it’s the homes in Land Park right by my house or the homes by my office in East Sacramento and, while all of those are good choices, I don’t focus entirely on those neighborhoods and the price tag isn’t the deciding factor.

Most successful Sacramento real estate agents gravitate toward listings for sale by sellers who are reasonable and who will listen to advice. It doesn’t mean they have to follow to the T every single suggestion I come up with, but they shouldn’t ignore my advice. I’ve spent decades picking up experience to share in the real estate business, and I’ve been successfully honing my craft ever since the 1970s.

I’m not one of those part-time Sacramento real estate agents. I am a full-time Sacramento Realtor. I’m not a mom or a grandma who raised a bunch of kids and is now looking for something to keep myself occupied. I started in the real estate business when I was barely 22-years-old, and it’s been more of a calling than a job.

For that reason, I see the big picture when I talk to a client. I spoke to a guy a few days ago about listing an investment property in a somewhat scary part of Sacramento. It’s not Land Park by any stretch, but if a seller needs to sell, I go to where they need me to go. I don’t discriminate or think I’m too hoity toity to take a listing in an economically distressed or crime-ridden neighborhood. I drove over to this not-so-nice part of town in 106-degree heat and shot professional photographs, standing in the middle of the street, walking the property line, sweating to death, perspiration dripping down the middle of my shirt.

I studied the comparable sales. It was clear to me that the amount I could probably sell this property for would be an astronomical sum that my competitors who looked at the same comparable sales probably would not see. It would be a challenge but I could do it. That’s where my years of experience come in handy. Plus, I know how to extract top dollar for a property; I network and I have connections as well. I could have given the seller a lower price and been done with it, but it wouldn’t have been the ethical thing to do.

After I prepared the paperwork and sent it to the seller, I got a bit of push back on the listing. It wasn’t about the price or overall compensation. The seller wanted to change my strategy and insisted I conform to the seller’s idea of how to sell this particular piece of challenging real estate. The seller is not in the business of selling real estate. In fact, I’d go so far as to say the seller should not have ever done what the seller had done with regards to this particular property but that doesn’t alter the present.

My thoughts about this are it’s not gonna work for me. We’re not a team on this, not of one mind. It ultimately won’t really work for the seller either the way he wants to do it but the seller won’t figure that out until it’s been on the market for 6 months without any offers. I just tell people what I see and how I work. If they don’t want to go along with it, that’s OK. My feelings aren’t hurt. I am not a foie gras agent, prone to force feeding my clients. I don’t shove anything down anybody’s throat.

I just look at the client who is closing next week and pocketing an extra 10% profit because she listened to me. When I met with her, she was undecided between hiring me or another Sacramento agent. The other agent would charge less and wanted to list at a lower price, too. The seller had a hard time believing that she could sell for the price I quoted and did not want to pay a full commission. But in the end, she gave the listing to me at the higher price, paid my fee without griping, and now she’s laughing all the way to the bank.

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