Sacramento Home Buyers Ask: Why Wasn’t My Offer Accepted?

Sacramento home buyerIt pains me when I see a purchase offer to buy a home arrive in my email and I instinctively realize the buyer will be asking her agent: why wasn’t my offer accepted? In the mind of many Sacramento home buyers, they did everything right. This particular home buyer found the home she wanted online all by herself — it fit her parameters exactly. She fell in love with the photographs and knew before she ever stepped foot inside that house that she wanted to buy that home.

Visiting the home in person solidified those feelings and thoughts. Yes, she should definitely buy that home. She is qualified and has her pre-approval letter that confirms it. The buyer may have provided proof of funds from her checking account. She has delivered an earnest money deposit with her offer. Everything is as it should be. All the stars are aligned, and this is her home. She even offered list price. She did exactly what was asked. All that’s left to do is to figure out where to put the sofa.

Ack. The seller accepted a different offer. Why didn’t she get this house? Why did the seller reject her offer? What is wrong with her Sacramento real estate agent? These are the thoughts running through the buyers’ mind. Do you want to know what the problem is?

First, it’s probably not the real estate agent. I imagine the real estate agent told the buyer that Sacramento is experiencing a limited inventory market, there is not much for sale, and there is intense competition, especially for entry-level homes in good condition. This means many Sacramento home buyers must write a better-than-normal offer. It could entail a higher price, paying more of the closing costs or giving the seller extra benefits, among other home buying offer tips.

I know that buyer’s agents explain this to their Sacramento home buyers. But somehow, that advice seems to fall on deaf ears or for some other reason the buyer does not agree nor understand. An agent can tell a buyer they need to offer more than $300,000 for that listing at $295,000, and some buyers will still ask, can I offer $250,000? These are not true buyers who say those sorts of things; these are people who are mentally deranged, which means yes, they are buyers from another universe and don’t operate in our world.

Working with a veteran real estate agent can also help improve a buyer’s chances of getting an offer accepted. Listing agents know the agents who perform and agents gain a reputation in this industry — good reason not to rely on your cousin’s aunt who happens to have a real estate license.

It’s generally one of three reasons why a buyer’s offer is not accepted: the buyer or the agent or both. Which is your reason? Because it’s not the Sacramento real estate market. We all must adjust to the market. If a buyer conforms to the market, the buyer will get her offer accepted.

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