Listed Homes in Elk Grove Can’t Get Into MLS Fast Enough

New Listing Sacramento Homes for Sale.300x200In this hot seller’s market in Sacramento real estate, a cancellation by a buyer can turn into a blessing in disguise. When you work so hard on getting an offer accepted by obtaining document after document that proves the buyer’s mortgage worthiness, and you’re making countless phone calls to assure sellers that by waiting to respond is in their own best interest, and after having out-of-area parties finally agree to sign all of the documents, it can seem a bit defeatist when the buyer announces a chance of heart. You might say to yourself: why did I do all of that work?

And of course, the home can’t suddenly appear back on the market as though it was damaged goods. So the listing agent starts over, with a brand new listing and a new MLS number, and a fresh approach. It’s a situation of damned if you do and damned if you don’t, meaning do you put the home immediately into pending status and take a chance the buyers won’t flake or do you wait and get buyer’s agents irritated because they’re showing a home that’s under contract. I generally choose to change the status of those listed homes in Elk Grove as soon as possible.

There is not much one can do when an offer quickly arrives with a 3-day window, and you don’t want to make the poor buyer suffer by waiting out the whole 3 days. You can only stretch it so far. When no other offers arrive, it’s best to deal with the offer at hand and treat it as the precious gem that it is, so when the buyer cancels for no good reason, it can initially be a let-down.

Except in this market. The odds are if a buyer cancels, the next buyer, if handled properly, will pay a whole lot more for that home. I’m betting sellers are wishing that buyers would cancel right now. I can hear them, “Hey, we only got list price, and we could get more if we were back on the market.” It’s very competitive out there. More competitive than it’s been for years. And I’ve seen some wild markets over the past few decades.

I’m ready for it. I am dropping my doughnut holes of listed homes in Elk Grove into that hot vat of grease, spacing them one by one, until they fluff up and float to the top, a beautiful shade of gold, ready to melt in your mouth. Oh, wait, let me shake a little sugar. If you’ve got a home in Elk Grove to sell, call a top Elk Grove REALTOR who gets results, Elizabeth Weintraub, at 916.233.6759, Lyon Real Estate.

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