busy agents as realtors

Is a Busy Agent too Busy Help a Sacramento Seller?

Sacramento seller

A busy Sacramento agent will get the job done over a lazy agent with nothing to do.

A Sacramento seller asked me if I am possibly too busy to work with him.  It wasn’t a short sale, just a regular listing in Fair Oaks. I found that statement incredulous I’ve been listing and selling a fair number of homes in Fair Oaks lately. I sell all over Sacramento but really love Fair Oaks. In fact, I had several Fair Oaks listings in escrow right now.

This seller was calling around the Internet, looking for a real estate agent in Sacramento. I told him I’ve been in real estate in one form or another since the early 1970s, and I’ve survived all types of markets. I mentioned that I rank in the top #10 as a Sacramento top producer for last year — adding that I’m also a very successful Sacramento Realtor and often manage on average25 listings in inventory.

“Whoa, 25 listings, that’s a lot,” he said. “Would you have time for me?”

I wanted to point out that some agents easily handle more than 200 listings a year, but I figured the thought of that would probably boggle his mind. Many years I average 100 and have no problem with that number. I have systems in place and am organized. There are also agents who don’t take a listing more than once every 2 or 3 months. So, which kind of agent is better? The agent with a lot of business or the agent with none?

The agent who is better is the one who answers her phone and gets the job done. I am that agent.

While Elizabeth is in Cuba, we revisit older blogs published elsewhere.

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