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April is a Time to Plan a Real Estate Agent Winter Holiday

Blue-Lagoon-and-PalmDSC_0049-300x199You might find it difficult to believe that this Sacramento real estate agent ever has any downtime to screw around and contemplate a winter holiday, but I just had four dental implants shoved into my jaw on Friday, so I’ve been taking it easy. ?By taking it easy, I mean working solely on my existing business and not really focusing on new business. This free time gave me a few hours yesterday to visualize a winter holiday, among all the offers and phone calls rolling in. It’s tough to find time to slow down and take it easy when you sell real estate for a living. But the key is to make sure you have WiFi wherever you are. WiFi and satellite internet rules the world.

For example, a few years ago, I listed a home and sold it while dangling my toes off a dock attached to a thatched roof hut on an atoll in the middle of the South Pacific. People might wonder why would I do it? Why would I work when I’m on vacation? Because they wouldn’t. I do it because I like it. I’m just a weird duck. No client ever has to worry that I will go away and forget about her or him because I won’t. I love what I do, and I love the fact it gives me the financial opportunity to explore new places.

I like to take a real estate agent winter holiday in early December and return early January, because business is about as slow as business can get during any given year. So it’s not a constant pace nor consistent pressure that means I can’t enjoy a vacation. I can do both. So this year I’m thinking about spending about 10 days to unwind at a resort near Hobart, Tasmania. I’ve always wanted to see a Tasmanian Devil. Then jumping on a 16-day cruise aboard a small cruise ship from Sydney to Melbourne and around New Zealand. I’ve watched an excellent murder mystery series lately about New Zealand, and the Flight of the Conchords doesn’t count.

The series that resonated was Top of the Lake, starring Elisabeth Moss and Holly Hunter. I could see myself in that Holly Hunter character. She made me laugh out loud. The scenery was gorgeous and breathtaking. You can get kinda sick of watching the underside of LA freeways on TV.

Of course, there is also The Hobbit, if you need another reason to see New Zealand. But I think that show previously mentioned, which you can get from Netflix, is enough of a reason. The Hobbit is too computer generated and imaginary. See, this is a reason to excel at selling real estate. You can watch a movie with beautiful scenery, say to yourself Hey, I’d like to go there and then go off on your real estate agent winter holiday. Of course, I would also like to find a traveling companion because even a small luxury ship requires double occupancy or you’re penalized. My husband will probably be unable to go as he’s actively searching for a new career. Being a veteran newspaper reporter isn’t the best occupation these days.

On a side note, I also see in the Sacramento Bee this morning an article from Lyon Real Estate on the front page that says I am #1 in the downtown midtown office for last year (as I’ve ranked the last few years) and ranked #4 in the company. I wonder how that #4 ranking happened when I sold more homes and produced a higher dollar volume than the #3 proclaimed agent. I looked at the numbers in MLS and in Trendgraphix, and both of those reporting sources indicated I rank #3. But you know what, I am not as riled about it as #3 was, I suspect. And I guess that’s why Lyon shows this level-headed agent at #4.

Politics. Schmolatics. I don’t waste time on petty crap I can’t control.

Is anybody interested in Australia and New Zealand this winter? I realize many people want to stay home for Christmas and New Years, but I prefer to travel. Maybe I should call a few other top producers to see if they would like to take a fun trip and go on a real estate agent winter holiday?

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