Losing a Wrapped Radiator Earring in Downtown Sacramento

Hiring a Sacramento RealtorThe thing about actively selling Sacramento real estate all day long and being engaged, on-call, on my toes, alert and ready for any crap that is thrown in my direction is the fact that I don’t have a lot of time to spend on any of my obsessions, like trying to find a replacement for the wrapped-radiator earring I lost downtown. Yesterday was extremely windy. I parked in front of the Memorial Auditorium, hacked that portal in Ingress, captured it, while I fumbled for quarters to feed the meter in the midst of super strong gusts that blew down 15th Street. My hair probably resembled an octopus, curls flying in all directions.

It wasn’t until I was sitting in de Vere’s Pub with my husband for lunch — which has pretty decent grub btw — that I noticed my wrapped-radiator earring was missing from my left ear. You’d think that my Bluetooth device, which I wear on that ear as well, would have hooked the earring or prevented it from flying away, but that’s what I get for not sticking the little plastic doohickeys on the backs of my earlobes for security. 100% my fault.

jewelry by McKenna Hallet

Wrapped-Radiator Earring by McKenna Hallet

The artist who created those earrings resides in Maui, and she doesn’t sell to the public. I met McKenna Hallett at the Four Seasons last summer when my friend and team member Barbara Dow grabbed a much needed getaway vacation. She makes low-impact jewelry, things made from stuff she finds around the island, and she doesn’t use electricity or precious resources other than a treadle-driven sewing machine or her own muscle power. Her mission statement seems to be: Wearable art made without burning fossil fuels from stuff I find.

As I stuffed quarters into the parking meter, my phone rang, which froze my Ingress screen. The caller was a bank negotiator advising that the bank decided to send a person from the investment team to personally tour one of my listings of homes in Elk Grove and assess the damage. Even though we had delivered photographs and a contractor’s bid. They want to figure out whether they’ll make more money from an REO or from a short sale. I hate to say in this case I’m guessing they’ll choose REO because the occupants make it difficult to show.

There are many portals on 15th Street, and they change from Enlightened to Resistance and from Resistance to Enlightened faster than a Sacramento Realtor can deploy resonators. My cell rang again, and this time it was Roof Doctors to say they cannot provide a roof certification on a pending escrow. I didn’t need to capture the Taco Truck portal anyway. I’ll deal with this disappointing news.

But I sure wish I could have found my missing wrapped radiator earring. Walking back to my car, I realized that it could have flown into the bushes or been stepped on, flung into the street and, even if I spotted it, I probably would not recognize it, since I had a good 5-block area where it could have vanished. The best thing to do is just replace it. Short of flying back to Maui, I tracked down the artist and she gave me an outlet that sells McKenna Hallet’s stuff. Of course, I have to call them, and all of my other business gets in the way of that because I only work on personal matters after my real estate activities finds a break. Some days, that’s never. C’est la vie.

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