digital camera

The Perfect Digital Camera for Real Estate

photography equipmentI could barely wait to open my eyes this morning. That’s because I have an appointment to shoot photos for my new listing, and I have a new digital camera that is perfect for real estate. I’ve always used a Nikon, but lately I’ve been disappointed in the quality of my photos. I’m probably my own worst critic because everybody else gushes over how cool they are, but I felt that I could do better. I’m always striving for quality and improvement — for ways to shorten my time invested and increase the quality of my performance. Just like any other corporate structure, except I am a Sacramento real estate agent and a sole proprietor.

Yesterday, I dumped the Nikon D40 and traded it for a Nikon D7100. The difference between the two digital cameras is amazing. I stood in the store at Pardee’s Cameraover on El Camino by Watt, and took a photo of the interior of the store with my old digital camera. Then I shot a photo with the Nikon D7100 and the difference was enough to make my mouth fall open and my eyes gleam with delight. I began to salivate. Thank God my husband was there to wipe my chin.

Not only that, but the excitement builds. I tried out a new wide angle lens, a Tamron 10-24mm. Parts of the room that were not accessible in my previous photo now could be captured. The tip-end at 10 is a little round on the edges, but bringing in the lens just a hair gave it a perfect shot. It no longer made sense to me to be shooting interior photographs of a home with an 18-55mm lens. This will greatly improve my photos. If you thought my photography was beautiful before, just wait.

All along, I have been relying on Photoshop to fix highlights and shadows, but my new Nikon D7100 has it built in. The photos absolutely sparkle with light. It adds a few more F-stops to auto. I hate it, absolutely deplore dark photos in MLS. Agents who allow black photos in MLS should be shot. My pictures of a home need to showcase lots of light, and be bright and cheery. I have spent hours agonizing over photographs and tweaking them to improve the quality, and now I no longer have to do that. I am spared that distress.

I can now shoot a photograph that is clean, captures the space I wish to show, and is nothing short of magnificent, if I say so myself — and I do. Plus, it works wirelessly with my cellphone and iPad. If you take photographs and struggle with some of these issues, I suggest you check out the Nikon D7100 and a wide angle lens. I wish I had done this years ago.

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