Selling Homes in Sacramento Now or Wait for Spring?

selling homes in sacramentoSeems like a lot of sellers are asking this Sacramento real estate agent is now a good time to be selling homes in Sacramento? They are wondering if they should put their home on the market now or wait until spring. The only thing spring brings, besides spring flowers, is more buyers. But spring also brings more homes, so there is more competition. How many buyers do you need and how many competitors do you need? I say you need one buyer and fewer competing homes for buyers to choose from.

That’s why I’m telling you that right now is an excellent time to be on the market. Great market for selling homes in Sacramento. But only if your home is priced properly. Only one of out every 2 homes is selling because half are priced too high.

The other questions I’ve been receiving are from people who ask if the price increases in Sacramento mean they can ask a phenomenal price for their home. The thing is your home is worth only what it is worth. It’s not worth more than that and, in fact, might be worth less.

To sum it up simply, your home is worth more than last year. Might be worth more than next year. Prices are stabilizing a bit.

I’ve heard of sellers begging their agents to leave their homes on the market or hold an open house after they’ve received an acceptable offer. They are under the misguided impression that they are missing out on some unforeseen cash strewn at the side of the road. Makes me want to grab these people by their shoulders and shake them because their brains have gone haywire. If you’ve got a good offer, take it, because you might not get another offer.

Trends SacramentoTake a look at the chart above. At first glance, the uninitiated might say, whoa, look at the number of homes and pending sales that are declining in November and December. But what they are not realizing is those home sales were originally sold in September and October. It takes 30 to 60 days to close an escrow. Take a look at January and February sales. Those pending sale numbers exceed the number of homes for sale. That’s huge, huge, huge and extremely important to know that January and February sales are a result of homes going on the market in November and December.

Now is an excellent time to sell your home. Don’t wait for spring when interest rates might rise. Do it now. If you’re looking for a Sacramento real estate agent with her finger on the pulse of the market, call Elizabeth Weintraub, at 916 233 6759.

Chart: Trendgraphix

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