About Buying a Home in East Sacramento

buying a home in east sacramentoMy hairdresser in East Sacramento was getting married last Thursday so I had to get my hair done on a Sunday. Which is OK, I guess, at least this way I don’t have to style today, as long as I didn’t toss and turn all night and let our new kitten Tessa throw up on my head, and I think I’m good there. It was while I was sitting in the salon on a Sunday afternoon touching up what she calls my sparkles, when I realized my hairdresser needs to buy a home.

Wait a minute. Sparkles, what are sparkles, you might ask? I asked that myself because for a moment I thought perhaps diamonds were a thing of the past, like Bruce Jenner’s face. I swear he no longer looks like a man, he looks like a woman. And I wouldn’t know that if I wasn’t sitting in a hair salon on a Sunday afternoon peering at the cover of People Magazine and discussing Sparkles.

Sparkles are gray roots. Yes, one of these days I’ll get around to letting my hair grow out its natural color just so I can see what it is, but for now, I don’t have that kind of luxury of time. If I have gray roots, I color them. I am jealous of the women who don’t have to mess with that, but then again, you still need to get your hair cut unless you want to look like Albert Einstein, or maybe Morticia Addams — the latter is the direction I’m heading.

Rather than spend my time at the salon catching up on all of the pop culture stuff I’m better off not knowing about, I used that time to talk with my hairdresser about buying a home. She has two incomes, a spouse, decent jobs, and she’s tired of living in an apartment. She needs a house. So, if she’s gonna buy a house, she may as well get started on the right path.

It’s funny what you hear yourself say when you spend time talking to a person who doesn’t know anything about buying a home. This particular couple will probably buy a two-bedroom, 1 bath, maybe about 1,000 square feet, and I predict it will be an older home somewhere in Midtown or among smaller bungalow homes in East Sacramento. However, my hairdresser needs to learn about home repair. Take responsibility for fixing up her new home; I insisted, it’s empowering, too. Unfortunately, she believes she can find whatever she needs to know about home repair on the Internet.

Only if she chooses wisely. Doesn’t end up electrocuting herself.

So, yesterday we talked mostly about debt ratios and finding out how much she and her spouse pay each and every month for bills and living expenses. Her first step is to talk with a mortgage broker and get pre-approved. If she needs to pay down debt, now is a good time to get started. I have plenty of time to help her out, lots of patience, and I’m in no rush. My experience says, once she catches the fever, she may be the impatient one, though.

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