Tiputa Pass in Rangiroa

Tiputa Pass at Rangiroa

Dolphins jumping in Tiputa Pass at Rangiroa

You think the holidays are a quiet time in real estate, but even if a Sacramento real estate agent is on vacation in French Polynesia, stuff can happen in monumental fashion. For example, I’ve been gone for only 5 days and during that period of time I’ve had:

  • an Elk Grove home fall out of escrow and go back into escrow
  • to rescue a pending cancellation due to changing buyer’s names on the deed at the 11th hour
  • receipt of four short sale approval letters on four separate short sales to process
  • a stove removal by a short sale seller that should not have been removed, times two.
  • a demand for an elevation certificate spring out of nowhere
  • to refer a seller to a short sale lawyer because I believe the lender lost the prom note
  • and numerous inquiries about buying and selling homes in the Sacramento region

Yet, nothing insurmountable and that I can’t handle from French Polynesia. That’s because I have two invaluable things: 1) The internet. 2) The Elizabeth Weintraub Team. And quite frankly, I am completely confident my team members could handle any emergency that pops up — I think they like to humor me by keeping me involved.

I am replaceable.

What is not really replaceable is the rate at which we over-fish our oceans. The ice that is melting at our poles is not replaceable. The level at which our seas are rising is pretty alarming. The gradual warming of our temperatures around the world is disturbing. Bees and butterflies are in peril. When you put these things into perspective, my challenges seem somewhat miniscule.

We walked from our hotel about a mile down the road to Tiputa Pass in Rangiroa yesterday afternoon. I was hoping we would see tigersharks but we spotted instead dolphins jumping. This is one of the spots in the Rangiroa atoll that has broken and lets water flow from the Pacific into the lagoon and back out to sea again. A large freighter came through in the morning to dock inside the lagoon and left through Tiputa Pass in the afternoon. Below are a few more photos:

dolphins jumping at Tiputa Pass, Rangiroa, Adam Weintraub

tiputa pass surferTiputa Pass TipTiputa Pass Freighter entering

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