what’s to gain from an open house

Who Benefits From Sacramento Open Houses?

Open House BenefitsI am a big proponent of open houses in Sacramento in certain neighborhoods and locations, don’t get me wrong. As a successful Sacramento real estate agent, part of my business benefits greatly from open houses, and so do some of my sellers. However, many sellers falsely believe that an open house is solely for the seller’s benefit, and it is not. We primarily hold open houses because our sellers ask us to and because it’s good for future business.

We get to talk to homeowners in the neighborhood who have no intention of buying the home but want to find out how much their home might sell for and to inquire whether we will list it for them. Holding a home open also tends to stop the phone inquiries from neighbors wondering how much the home is listed at, so it’s kind of a preventative measure, too.

We get to talk to home buyers who are not working with a real estate agent and want to find an agent to help them to buy a home. Many buyers don’t know how to get started buying a home, and they think going to open houses is a step in the right direction. They also might not know any real estate agents.

Buyer’s agents love open houses because they don’t have to call ahead and schedule an appointment to show their buyers the home. They can just come on over with the buyer in tow and feel assured that no other agents will try to snatch their buyer away. It makes showing a little bit easier for them.

The public adore open houses. In fact, in California, it’s like the state motto and state-wide pastime. Got nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Why not go tour open houses and see how other people live? It doesn’t matter if you’re not in the market to buy a home.

First-time home buyers are often directionless for the first few weeks of home shopping. Open houses in Sacramento help first-time home buyers figure out what type of home in which neighborhood they might want to buy. They can spend a lot of time in the home, picking it apart and finding things wrong with it. Most of them are not buyers for that particular home.

Then we come to the sellers. The sellers who often insist on an open house because they are hopeful it will sell the house. An open house will do a lot of things for a lot of people, but it doesn’t necessarily sell the house that day. A buyer might come back on another day to buy. You don’t always see the results immediately.

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