do buyers look at homes thanksgiving week
Thanksgiving Week and Sacramento Real Estate

Why are those schmucks making that little old woman carry a huge turkey platter?
While others are thinking about Thanksgiving Week and Sacramento real estate, I am more focused on December 3rd. Well, of course, there is an open house today for a new listing in North Highlands. But my sellers also had a bunch of showings yesterday, that was very heavy activity for a Saturday with home buyers. Everybody is trying to squeeze in those last few minutes before Thanksgiving Week. Making them as productive as ever.
Yes, Thanksgiving Week. It’s no longer just a day that our ancestors began celebrating as we do today about 100 years before I was born. Which wasn’t all that long ago put that way. Nope, it has mushroomed into an entire week.
Regardless, I never seem to completely stop working. Even though there are a few hours every evening that I claim for myself. We generally watch a movie or a couple of interesting shows. People who say there is nothing on television don’t really watch television nor take the time to scope out fascinating shows. Cable and network is very different from a few years back. We enjoy a lot of creative talent and smart shows today.
Although, I have to admit that I watched Girl on a Train recently. The movie astonished in that I didn’t much care for it. Unlike most people, I suppose, I had not read the book. So I did not realize the movie was about A. Girl. On. A. Train. I thought it a mystery, ha. Like Gone Girl. I don’t know how my husband puts up with me watching TV with him because I’m always interrupting, asking him to pause the show so I can discuss some utterly important thing that happened in Sacramento real estate that day. Which I can’t get out of my head.
Not only does Sacramento real estate slow down a little bit over Thanksgiving Week, but there is often not much on television, either. Well, I suppose I could be some like some people and just leave television all day long on the HGTV channel or the E! Channel, NOT. Both brain sucks. Which means tomorrow we’ll probably take in a matinee at Tower Theatre and see Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig’s critically acclaimed movie filmed in Sacramento.
However, come December 3rd, it’s a whole new show in Sacramento real estate. Now the countdown for Christmas begins. But that holiday is far enough way that buyers will back out hitting the streets, just like they are every December. I predict this year will be different. And December 3rd is our Lyon Extravaganza, when we will blitz all of our open houses. If my sellers haven’t had an open house lately, they will on December 3rd. I expect a busy month.
I am predicting despite Thanksgiving Week, I’ll probably put 3 more listings into contract next week. It’s my intuition that tells me that. I can feel it in my bones. We’ve had too many showings not to.