city of sacramento address unit

How to Change the House Number of Your Sacramento Home Address

how to change the house numberWould you like to know how to change your house number in Sacramento? Is ennui driving digital discontent over the numbers you’ve been stuck with all of these years? Haven’t you always wanted to pay some scruffy kid to spray paint a different number on your curb? Just imagine how lovely your checks would look. And how perfunctory the beautifully new and sparkly address will eventually appear on all of the junk mail delivered to your home.

At least the pizza delivery guy will still find your house, and that’s the more salient factor.

Now is your opportunity to get that house number of your dreams. I suspect it needs to make sense, numerically, and complement the present system in use. For example, if your house number is 3951, you probably cannot arbitrarily change it to 007. It might have to remain an odd number of four digits that accessorize your neighbor’s, so you can place the fickle finger of blame on each and every one of them as to the reason why you can’t get double-oh-7.

Although I was formerly unaware — yet as a Sacramento real estate agent I find this information potentially useful — a division exists within the city of Sacramento called the Addressing Unit. Who knew? The address is:

Community Development Department

City of Sacramento Addressing Unit

300 Richards Blvd, Sacramento, 95811


You may obtain the change of address form CDD-0104 by emailing:

Best of all, the service is free. Just fill out the Change of Address form and return it to the City of Sacramento. But please don’t change your address just prior to asking this Sacramento REALTOR  to put your home on the market for sale. If you persist, it won’t show up on map searches.

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