
Here is an Odor Free Litter Box Cats Actually Use

Jackson in a box

Jackson can make his own litter box.

Our cats are in for a real treat or, as my husband calls it, a true motivation for them to take a crap on the kitchen table. While I was in Serrano last week checking out a home a seller at the last minute now may or may not want to put on the market, I met a charming tenant and his equally captivating two cats. The cats use a different kind of litter box system than I’ve been exposed to, and unless you see it in action, you might not believe that it works.

It’s called Breeze. Have you heard of it? It’s an odor free litter box. No tracking of dust or clay, either.

The tenant showed me the litter boxes, the pellets and a special pad that lines the bottom tray. The pellets are made out of something foreign but they call it a natural mineral. The deal is you fill the box with the pellets and change the pad once a week by sliding out the tray and removing the pad. I’m a little unclear as to how the pad actually leaves the tray. It’s not something I’d want to pluck with my bare fingers, and I’m not sure if one could try to dump it into a garbage bag without perhaps leaking liquid in an undesirable place such as on my shoes, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

This odor free litter box system is made by Tidy Cat, which apparently is owned by Purina. My very first real job, because waitressing doesn’t count, was working as a secretary at Checkerboard Grain, a division of Ralston Purina, on the 4th floor of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. They gave me the job because I answered the question of why do you want to work at Purina with: “My cats like Tender Vittles.” I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Ralston Purina. So, I thought I’d give the Breeze litterbox system a try.

This guy in Serrano — his house was odorless. There was no cat litter tracking dust anywhere. I cannot imagine a world without cat litter sprinklers on the floor, but I’d sure like to give it a try.

I did not buy enough boxes to properly make the transition, so I ordered two more systems from Petsmart with free shipping. You can’t just get one odor free litter box and see how it goes, like maybe you would with a first husband. You’ve got to make a real commitment. However, they are on sale, only $29.99, and you get the litterbox, pellets and four pads. Replacement pads are $1.50 each. I filled the first and only box that I have so far with the pellets. First thing our little kitten Tessa did was try to eat the pellets. She could not believe her good fortune: a smorgasbord of pellets laid out in a huge trough. None of the cats has yet to use the box, but the trick is to stop cleaning their existing boxes so they will be forced to use the pellets.

You can see this will be delightful for a few days. I’ll let you know how it progresses. Or, as my husband says, another fine mess you got us into. If this actually pans out, I will recommend Breeze to all of my clients when it comes time to put their cat-occupied homes on the market. Because selling a home where pets live can be tricky. The only downside is I can see myself in a back alley trading bitcoins for pellets when Breeze stops manufacturing them.

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