big island sunsets

Easter Week Sunset Photos from Hawai’i Island

easter week sunset photos from hawaii

Easter week is special to many people, so I thought you would like to see my Easter week sunset photos from Hawai’i Island. I will be in the islands for a few more weeks. This means I’ll share more photos with you from Hawaii as I work on Sacramento real estate. Like, Saturday, here I am in Hawai’i and yet we had 4 great open houses in Sacramento. Probably the busiest open house was the high-water bungalow in Midtown, which just went on the market on Friday. More than 50 groups of people came through that open house. That action will result in one or more offers shortly.

I thumbed through so many Easter week sunset photos from Hawai’i that I spent a good part of the afternoon yesterday trying to decide which photos I should include for Sunday’s blog. If I held a spiritual belief, which I do not — but you know, I haven’t been on my death bed yet, I hear people change their minds then, hedge bets — I would say these photos are quite heavenly.

easter week sunset photos from hawaii

OK, technically this is a pre-sunset photo, but this harbor is about 2 miles from my house, and my long lens picked it up. I find it amazing what the Canon Sureshot can do. These are Cook Pines, which are pointier at the top than Norfolk pines. The place to really enjoy Cook Pines is Lanai, Hawai’i. Between Manele Bay and Lanai City, the Cook Pines line the road.

easter week sunset photos from hawaii

Each of my Easter week sunset photos from Hawai’i Island were shot on different evenings. I saved them until I had enough to put together a sunset photo blog. Our house faces west, so naturally we enjoy splendid sunsets.

You hear about the sunset people vs sunrise people theory, which questions whether you are one or the other. It’s supposed to explain who you are. I enjoy both. I’m generally awake for both types of sun activity. Depending on how I feel in the morning, whether I’m cranky or wide awake, makes a difference as to whether I like the bright light. But the sun rises here over Mauna Loa, so it doesn’t hit me smack dab in the eyes.

After the sun settles, our skies generally turn vivid shades of pink and purple. Nothing quite like a sunset from Hawai’i.

easter week sunset photos from hawaii

The biggest drawback to working on Sacramento real estate from our house in Hawai’i is the time difference. Hawai’i does not endorse daylight saving. This means during spring and summer, we are three hours behind Sacramento. It’s not so bad in the evening as I can communicate with clients much later than I normally would, but it’s a bit of a bear in the morning.

ziggy ragdoll kitty

Ziggy Weintraub, ragdoll kitty

I can’t even talk to our cats when I get out of bed in the morning. Makes it difficult to carry on a conversation with another person. If I answer my phone at 6 AM, I mean, I sound like I just got up. Not to mention, my neighbors don’t quite appreciate it.

And you know, I already have a neighbor whose attitude forced me to buy a Ring door bell for security. My neighbor down the street (shares the origin of my home state of Minnesota) came over yesterday to invite me to a late-Easter feast. With the sound turned off on my cell, I never heard her ring the doorbell, so there is that . . .

By the time I get back to Sacramento, Ziggy will be almost a month older. They grow up so quickly from kittens into young adults. Isn’t he adorable? My husband and I have JaCi Wallace to thank for this precious kitten.

easter week sunset photos from hawai'i island

And now for my final photograph of Easter week sunset photos from Hawai’i Island, I present the sun in all of its red fiery glory. About to sink into the Pacific ocean and call it a day. I shot this from my lanai the night before last.

Aloha and Happy Easter. Don’t take any wooden nickels.

Elizabeth Weintraub

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