Sacramento Realtor is Buying a New Computer

New Apple Computers Product Launched - Apple Mac MiniAfter this Sacramento REALTOR bought her new iPhone 6 Plus, my husband pointed out the age of my desktop computer. It was almost 4 years, which made it ancient, and it took forever to load. It was time to consider buying a new computer. The lousy speed was very noticeable when I would upgrade software on my laptop and desktop simultaneously. My laptop, being 2 years newer, was very fast while my desktop chugged along. I know many Sacramento REALTORs prefer to work solely on a laptop and don’t even own desktop computers, but I need as much efficiency in my life that I can possibly snag, and desktop is better.

Yet, it is still agonizing to face buying a new computer. It’s an evil necessity. My poor husband was up until almost 3 AM working on it, and I had to postpone all of my listing work to today. My new computer is about the size of a Belgian waffle. My old computer — which had cost initially twice as much, btw — is roughly the size of a built-in kitchen trash compactor. My new Mac is minuscule by comparison. It’s a mini Mac or, as the guy who helped configure it called it, a Monster Mac.

I decided it was time for buying a new computer during a car trip to Roseville to inspect a new listing and shoot photographs. Since time is precious to this Sacramento REALTOR, I asked Siri to call the Apple store from my Bluetooth device, and I talked to an Apple guy about what I needed for memory, hard drive space, the types of applications and software I use, speed requirements, and we configured this thing while I was on the road.

Well, first I reached some doofus who did not speak “tech-speak,” and she told me all of her callers are generally iPhone customers. She didn’t seem to know much about the computer end of the business, so I ended the call with her and asked Siri to call again. This time I got a guy who knew exactly what I needed. You’re either a Mac fanatic or you’re not. It’s like finding a Sacramento REALTOR on a Bell curve.

Selling real estate means I have an aptitude for numbers. You might find this hard to believe, but my credit card number is memorized, as is the expiration date and 3-digit code. Please don’t kidnap me and try to force me to recite it because I can guarantee you I will be unable to recall it under those conditions. However, I could rattle off the numbers as I rolled along I-80, and we finalized the transaction just prior to me pulling up to the curb at the seller’s home.

You couldn’t buy a new computer like that when I bought my first Mac in 1991. But back then we used modems and Bulletin Boards for connectivity, too. Much as I gripe about it, I love new technology. Every Sacramento REALTOR needs to stay up-to-date with the best technology to best serve her clients.

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