Every Picture Tells a Story About a Carmichael Pool Home

Carmichael pool homeEvery picture tells a story, don’t it? Now, you may remember this Rod Stewart song as an innocent, fun-loving, rollicking good time, but you should read those lyrics. I’m telling ya. In today’s eyes, the lyrics are a little racist and rally around not taking birth control. Ack. Ah, what 42 years can do to the way we look at things. But looking at things, especially looking at Sacramento real estate and homes online in Sacramento, is my topic for today.

The photo on top of this page is a lead picture that I am using for a pool home in Carmichael. I thought long and hard about which lead photo to use online. You really don’t want to get too jarring or upset the apple cart by using unusual online photographs or a buyer might wonder what is wrong with the house. Why is this house not presented like all of the other houses, with a photograph of the front yard, the big cement driveway and the burned-up lawn that says, hey, this is Sacramento! You deviate too much, and you’ll lose your audience or generate suspicion.

4767 Crestview Dr-frontAs a Sacramento real estate agent, I want to arouse curiosity and instill an urgent need to view my listings, including this beautiful Carmichael Pool home. While I shot photographs of this pool home from many different angles, it was very difficult to get a photo that actually spoke to why a buyer would purchase this home, much less click on the listing upon presentation. Some ranch-style exteriors don’t really say much about the home. Moreover, a photo at 1000 pixels might look like mush when downsized to 300 pixels.

The thing that makes this particular Carmichael pool home so spectacular is the back yard. Of course, the interior is very nicely done. It’s impeccable. I couldn’t find a dent or a crack or smudge in the walls or ceilings. In fact, there is almost virgin hardwood floors under much of the carpeting.

But let’s face it, one of the reasons we love living in Sacramento is because of our weather. We want to be outdoors. If we are buying a Carmichael Pool home, we want to be in that swimming pool. This home has grapevines dangling from a trellis that runs the length of the back of the home, and they frame the pool through the big picture windows in the formal living room and family room.

My intention is to grab my viewers by the hand and gently lead them through the home, showing all of the home’s beautiful features while explaining benefits, and much of that can be accomplished in the photography. This is why I shoot my own photographs. I know what I want my photos to convey. When you hire me, you’re not just getting a veteran top producing agent, you’re hiring my photography skills, too.

If you’re looking for a Sacramento real estate agent to sell your home, call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916 233 6759. Check out 4767 Crestview Drive, Carmichael, CA 95608, offered by Elizabeth Weintraub at Lyon Real Estate, $289,000. Held open July 20th and 21st, Saturday and Sunday, from 2 PM to 4 PM.

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