5 Ways to Get Your Sacramento Purchase Offer Rejected

Sacramento Home Selling OfferWe have weeks in Sacramento real estate during which I stare at my offer tracking sheets to count the number of offers that are excellent examples of how not to write a purchase offer to buy a home in Sacramentoalso known as how to get your purchase offer rejected. You see, one of the benefits of working with the Elizabeth Weintraub Team is that I provide useful information to my own team members. I often advise my team how other listing agents look at purchase offers — because I know how I look at them — and offer tips about what NOT to do. How not to get an offer rejected. Which is why so many of my team member’s purchase offers are accepted.

Because when an agent is working with a buyer as a buyer’s agent, often the focus is directly on that buyer. The buyer’s agent can be so wrapped up in what her buyer wants and in trying to fulfill those requirements that an agent can forget how her or his actions and words appear to the parties who can make or break that Sacramento home purchase.

  • The first rule is do not argue with the listing agent. I don’t care if that listing agent is dumber than a bag of rocks, don’t argue. There is a big difference between arguments and negotiation. Don’t try to explain a “cash offer” for example to the listing agent as there is hardly a Sacramento real estate agent alive today who doesn’t know the advantages of cash over financing, even though it is always all cash in the end.
  • The second rule is don’t insult the seller. If you think the house appears cluttered or dirty, for example, don’t demand that the seller “wash the floors” and take all personal items with them. Our California purchase contract already addresses debris. Wash the floors? Seriously? And how does one wash carpeting? Tear it off the floor and toss it into the washing machine?
  • The third rule is send all of the documentation that is necessary in order to submit a purchase offer. And, for heaven’s sakes, try to submit this paperwork in one file in the manner specified in the multiple listing. If the paperwork is incomplete, the purchase offer is incomplete.
  • The fourth rule is don’t submit a lowball offer when the seller has received multiple offers. You would think this would be such an obvious rule, but gah, it is not. I suspect some agents do this anyway to “teach a lesson” to their buyers so hopefully on the next purchase offer the buyers will be more reasonable.
  • The fifth rule is don’t submit a lowball offer while also breaking rules 1 through 4. This is worse than 3 strikes and you’re out. Why do you think the sellers would want to consider your lowball offer that insults them, makes unreasonable demands and is incomplete?

It’s tough in some Sacramento neighborhoods right now to buy a nice home. Don’t make it so much harder on yourself than it needs to be.


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