Working With the Best Sacramento Realtors Means Recognizing the Worst

the best sacramento realtorYou’ve got your good buyer’s agents in Sacramento, and you’ve got your lousy ones, and sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which from the inception. If you believe who the buyer’s agent is doesn’t make a difference in a real estate transaction, then you’re most likely not a top-producer listing agent in Sacramento. Because we see it all.

The first sign I’m working with a screwball is when I receive an offer from out-of-the-blue with no preceding phone call, no email, no text message, no voicemail, no prior notification whatsoever about the offer nor the buyer. To add insult to injury, these often are sent directly from a digital online signing service, without a single one-line sentence from the buyer’s agent to explain its existence.

Other signs the buyer’s agent could be a loser, or not one of our best Sacramento Realtors, are as follows:

  • The purchase offer itself is a disaster (partially completed).
  • The offer is missing crucial accompanying documents (such as a preapproval letter).
  • The offer includes unusual demands such as requesting title and escrow.
  • The buyer’s agent’s voicemail is full.
  • The buyer’s agent is also the mortgage broker (it’s hard enough to wear one hat much less two).

Which means when I am working with a top-notch buyer’s agent, one of the best Sacramento Realtors, it can make the entire transaction, regardless of what happens, a pure pleasure. I closed several homes in West Sacramento last month that were smooth as silk, even though there were points of contention. We negotiated through them and closed; both sides were happy. The buyer’s agents for both of these sales were experienced, professional and a sheer delight. I hope to work with them again!

It takes working with the best Sacramento Realtors to realize how agonizing it can be to work with the worst.

When it comes to multiple offers in Sacramento, you can bet I disclose to my sellers any and all experiences I’ve had with buyer’s agents whose offers we receive. Ultimately, the seller makes the choice of which offer to accept. I give my sellers the tools to make that decision.

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