Typing With One Hand After Rotator Cuff Surgery

Young woman doctor in cap and face mask in surgery room interiorThis morning is the day I go in to the hospital for rotator cuff surgery, which is an outpatient deal and my doctor has done thousands of these operations, so no need to fret. I’m not fretting, why should you? I also have no idea what it actually entails because I purposely did not do much research on the particulars. Know why? Because some things we are simply better off not knowing until the crisis passes. I don’t need to obsess over the intricate details.

What it means is I get to be a one-armed bandit for a while. My arm will be in a sling, and in order to heal properly, I can’t type. Doctor says I can’t use my left hand fingers. ?I do have voice recognition software, but I probably won’t use Dragon. I spent hours talking into the microphone so it would recognize my voice and the way I say things, and it still has difficulties.

For my personal situation, my laptop computer is a better choice. It’s an Apple product and the voice recognition is built into it. All I have to do is put my cursor where it belongs and start yakking. Easy enough.

I’ve practiced using my right hand for everything in preparation for my rotator cuff surgery, and the only real difficulty I have encountered is putting on mascara. Super hard to do with one hand. It’s not like I can ask my husband to do it because he’ll poke out my eye.

But it will be back to business as usual on Tuesday. No downtime for this Sacramento Realtor. I’m just not the kind of agent who can lie low and do nothing. But I can manage it for one day.

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