The Wii Perfect 10 Exercise Game

This Sacramento real estate agent is a firm believer in shades of grey, and I am most certainly not talking about you-know-what book. In fact, I have not read that book. I’m in the minority, I fear. I probably should read it, if for no other reason than to know what other people are talking about. However, I am writing today to say there really are no shades of grey when it comes to learning and knowledge.

It’s pretty much black and white. There are 2 ways to learn. From a third party or from yourself. Let me tell you, learning from a third party is much preferable yet so few of us learn our lessons that way, myself included. Yup, I’m a “let’s stick that fork in the wall socket again because I cannot believe what just happened” kinda person. OK, maybe I’ve evolved a bit since I was five. In any case, I am hoping that my readers can learn from my tragic experience with the Wii Fit Plus Perfect 10 exercise game and not make the same mistake.

I regularly workout with the Wii Fit Plus. It’s pretty cool, and it means I don’t have to leave my computer, get dressed, drive down to the gym, workout, come back home again, and waste all that time when I could be helping sellers and buyers to sell or buy a home in Sacramento. I can simply get up from my desk, turn on the flat panel TV, pick up the Wii and step on the balance board for my 30-minute workout. It’s a quick break. Good way to deal with stress generated by Sacramento short sales as well. And if I have to pause to answer the phone, that’s doable.

What I didn’t bank on was what could happen by changing my workout routine of ordinary push ups and leg extensions. Ooo, I thought, what is this Perfect 10 exercise game? I’m telling you, don’t do it. Oh, sure, Wii gives you a warning that says don’t shake your hips too hard, and you think to yourself, how could I possibly shake my hips too hard. I know how to shake that booty, and I’ve been doing it for years. OK, maybe I haven’t been shaking that booty for 20 years or so. This particular Wii exercise game involves swinging your hips to the left or the right, forward or backward, to bump a ball. The screen presents you with 3 or 4 balls, and each ball has a number. Your task is to add up those balls to the number 10. You get 20 screens, and it is timed.

This is not something a person who was born during the Eisenhower years should be doing unsupervised. Yes, that is the problem. I was unsupervised. At least I didn’t hit my head. I’m hoping I can walk again in a few days.

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