Taking Along Sacramento Real Estate Clients on a Winter Vacation

Airplane seat and window inside an aircraftLots of people do their spring cleaning at springtime but this Sacramento REALTOR does hers in the fall, primarily because I need to be ready to hit the street running when I return from my winter vacation. I need a fresh slate in January, and to be ready to handle new listings and new sales. Every spring market is explosive. You might ask what happens to my existing business, the clients I am working with in November and will acquire in December? I’ll tell you what has worked for me over the years, and how I handle it.

First, not everybody knows (nor agrees with this practice), but I take my clients on vacation with me. Wherever I go, whether it’s French Polynesia, the Florida Keys or Viet Nam, I stay on top of my business. Nobody gets neglected nor forgotten. I still respond to email and take care of purchase offers and closings. In fact, one year on Christmas Day via spotty satellite from a remote Atoll in the Tuamotus at Rangiroa, I listed a home in Sacramento. By the time I flew to Bora Bora, I had sold the home and opened escrow.

I can always find an hour or two in every day no matter what to take care of my Sacramento clients. It doesn’t matter where in the world I am. Further, I enjoy the luxury of leading a dedicated team who support me. They are my rock and right hand.

Maybe it’s the way I was raised, but I feel a personal responsibility when I make a promise to clients that I will be their fiduciary and sell their home. It helps that I truly enjoy my job as well or I couldn’t do it while I’m on vacation. I know people think that is nuts, but it works for me. There is a stretch of solitude during the week of Christmas and a few days after that things are very quiet, and I unwind completely.

A winter vacation is the reason I work so hard like a well oiled machine in Sacramento real estate. To go away for a month. Yup, I work 11 months and go on vacation for another month. I am very selective of my clients but even more so come the fall months. Because the people I choose to work with are the individuals I will communicate with during my vacation. They have to be special. I have learned to take along only the people I like. That’s my secret for a happy and fun career.

The only thing I regret about this year’s vacation is the fact my husband has to stay home in Sacramento. He has a new job now and can’t yet take off 30 days for a winter vacation.


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