buyer closing gifts

Kona Haven Coffee Ushers in a Fun Friday in Kona

kona haven coffeeMy friend Linda in Kona sent me a text message on Thursday to invite me to a meet up with her and Laura at Kona Haven Coffee. Only problem with that idea was I was still in route from Sacramento to Kona. I hate to decline any invitation because sometimes people take it the wrong way. They think you don’t want to get together or other things in your life are more important than friends. I suggested we do it some other time.

Then, yesterday morning, just as the guys from Lowes were pulling into our driveway to begin our remodeling project at the house, I received another invitation. I had to ask myself did I really want to micromanage the demolition of our two baths or did I want to sit by the ocean and chat with friends?

I know what my semi-retired agent friend Myrl Jeffcoat would do. It’s not like my Sacramento real estate business would suffer if I met up for coffee and spent a few hours with friends. So wired now. Apple Watch, iPhone, as long as I don’t have to create a document on the run, but home was only a mile away.

I decided it was time for a mental health break. Zipped down to Kona Coffee Haven and ordered up an iced Thai tea. It wasn’t on the menu for some reason. But I noticed they had hot Thai tea, so surely a little condensed milk could be added with ice.

Linda shared a few YouTube videos by Creative Mom making fairy houses. If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering: what is a fairy house? Silly, it’s a house where fairies and other mythical creatures live. You know, with mushroom caps for roofs and rounded doors. This woman makes fairy houses out of empty plastic coke bottles. Along with homemade clay, coat hangers and aluminum foil. Then she paints them.

No way am I that creative with my hands, and I’m in awe of this talent. Who knew? Fairy houses?

I suggested that Linda could sell them to real estate agents. Personalize them with a client’s name and include the name of the agent, maybe on a For Sale sign in the yard. Then, agents could give the houses to their buyers as a closing gift. She could charge $100 to $200 per fairy house, depending on how much work it entailed. Right?

With a Hawaiian twist. Maybe palm trees? A dolphin. Perhaps an I’iwi bird that feeds on Ohi’a, which unfortunately are rapidly dying in Hawai’i, which means the i’iwi could become extinct along with the Ohi’a trees. I know, this is a great idea. Brings awareness.

But you know, not everybody wants to start a new business. Especially while we’re sitting around talking story at Kona Haven Coffee. But she might. Never a dull moment in Kona.

Elizabeth Weintraub

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