Sacramento Home Buyers Who Demand Same Day Showings

choosing a buyer's agent

Sacramento home buyers should choose a buyer’s agent, followed by a preapproval.

My team members tell me that when a Sacramento home buyer calls out the blue and demands to see a home immediately, that it’s a bad sign. Turns out a caller I vetted yesterday about an REO home in West Sacramento was not really a buyer. She seemed very excited and motivated, but when my team member called her to schedule a time to view the home, she informed us that she has several agents she prefers to work with, she is not preapproved, nor is she ready to buy a home for at least 3 months. She just wanted her curiosity satisfied about this particular home.

She thought the Elizabeth Weintraub Team should show it to her, without any reservations. Where do they get these ideas? It’s not even my listing. It’s some other agent’s listing who has fixed his phone in such a manner that nobody can leave a voice mail message, and he doesn’t answer his phone. It’s an REO owned by Wells Fargo. We explained that when we show another agent’s listing, we don’t get paid unless we represent the buyer. We expect to write an offer for the buyer on that property if we show it.

Perhaps they think real estate agents provide a public service, maybe we work for the state of California because most people do in Sacramento and, what the hey, we have a California license number issued to us by, guess who? The State. I don’t believe that Sacramento home buyers are that ignorant. The problem seems to be disrespect stemming from the expectation that some unsuspecting agent will drop everything and run to to show a home without qualifying the buyer and wasting time.

Agents learn this business by trial and error. They initially believe all buyers are good and honest and trustworthy.

Then, when agents run into a bad apple, they start saying horrible things about buyers that are not true for the majority of buyers. Buyers are liars is a common mantra you hear repeated over and over. Most Sacramento home buyers, I’ve discovered, are above board and they are sincere in their endeavors. You can’t paint every home buyer with such a broad brush. It’s not fair, and it’s not a true picture.

When an agent asks a buyer to commit to that agent, it’s because the agent wants to represent the buyer. Some agent will end up doing it, no matter how you look at it. Why shouldn’t it be an agent on the Elizabeth Weintraub Team, an agent with experience, superior knowledge and a stellar reputation? We’ll work our fingers to the bone on behalf of a dedicated home buyer.

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