For Whom Does This Sacramento Real Estate Agent Blog?

Sacramento real estate blogBlogging is not the same thing as journalism. I mean, you know that, and I know that, but a few years from now, none of the young ‘uns will know it. There are people today who think online is the only place to get their news. They wouldn’t dream of unfolding newsprint from the front porch. Still, that doesn’t stop people from writing and asking me to write in-depth pieces that suit their own purposes, all in the name of public information, mind you.

They preface it with because I have so many readers, it is my civic duty to inform. I could have a lot of readers if I decided to tag the public sidewalk. Doesn’t mean a tagger should be delivering messages from public or private servants. A tagger’s work is self expression, much like blogging.

I write a blog because I write; because my computer is on my desk. It’s where I sit. Hopefully, I have something to say about real estate that’s not boring or stupid. Moreover, I hope that a client will read what I have to say and think we might be a good match to work together, but I also hope other types of clients will read what I have to say and leave me alone. That’s why I’m never afraid to say exactly what I think.

Just ask my husband; I offend him all the time. I asked for his help with an ad over the weekend. Given the changed real estate market, I decided it was a good idea to address the present day market. He fed me a line and asked me what I thought. I told him it wouldn’t work because it was stupid. This is not something I would say to a client, mind you. I would not tell a client if I thought her idea was stupid. I would use a different word. Like, impossible. Or, wait, how about inconceivable? Like that guy used in the Princess Bride!

Doesn’t matter because he stomped off and told me to do it myself. But the thing is his idea was kind of Donald Duck stupid on several levels. It just wouldn’t work. It was confusing, and it didn’t really address the point I wanted to make. Yet, my husband continues to try to help me when I need it. I tell you, he’s a saint. He also knows my heart is in the right place. Inside my body where it’s supposed to be, and not in a box stored in a vault waiting for some witch to crush the life out of it.

I have a new listing that came on the market today. It’s a gorgeous brick home in Curtis Park. Four bedrooms, 2 baths and over 1700 square feet. Updated kitchen. Spacious master suite. Hardwood floors, leaded glass, plus a 2-car garage. All for $369,000. Give this Sacramento real estate agent a ring at 916 233 6759, and I’ll get you a private showing before the open house on Sunday. Just don’t ask me to blog about your real estate cause because I’m trying to keep up with my own.

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