Day 3 of the Lost Chihuahuas in Land Park


Exploding-tennis-ballsWe have discovered a new use for our tennis balls. Don’t even think about exploding tennis balls, because it’s a myth that tennis balls explode. Just gonna go on the record here in case you’re wondering about that. Tennis balls don’t explode unless you put something explodable inside of the balls to make them explode. In case you’re tempted to put them in the microwave or stab them with an ice pick. Ha, ha, like you HAVE an ice pick!

Our tennis balls were originally purchased to insert into a sock, so we could press our backs against the wall with a tennis ball in between. It can manipulate just the right spot. If you have an aching back, you should try this. Just don’t lie down on the ball, like my sister did, because she almost broke her back.

Chihuahuas-Loose-Land-ParkOur tennis balls are something those danged dogs in our back yard can chase. We have not yet found the owners of the Chihuahuas who were lost in Land Park. We’re filing a report with the Sacramento Animal Shelter over on Front Street today and taking them in to see if they are microchipped. If nobody claims these dogs by tomorrow, we do have interest from a couple of neighbors through the Nextdoor website who want to adopt the little cuties.

When I came back home from listing a home in Churchill Downs yesterday, I hopped on my bike and rode around my neighborhood in Land Park to put up more fliers. My husband distributed fliers on Thursday. Do you know there are not very many telephone poles in Land Park? Lots of street lights, but you need tape to attach fliers to the street lights. Fortunately, I tossed Scotch Tape along with my handy, dandy stapling gun into my bike basket. I was astonished to discover the reduced inventory of telephone poles.

The things you learn that you don’t think about, regardless of how long you’ve lived in Land Park!


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