48 Hours of Sacramento Real Estate

Sacramento Tower BridgeIf selling massive numbers of homes in Sacramento was so danged easy, let me tell you, hundreds of real estate agents would be selling homes like there’s no tomorrow, and we all know, that for most agents, that’s not happening. It’s as though every single transaction lately has had a bunch of little snags that need to be poked with a toothpick and slipped back into place. And that’s assuming that buyers can even get into contract in the first place.

Part of the problem is people don’t read, they don’t listen to each other and everybody is in such a rush that they don’t take time to figure out how to make something work. You can’t get upset with them or irritated because people are who they are, and you can’t change them. You can only change your own view.

Way back in the old days, like 40 years ago when was a title searcher, just to keep the title officers giggling at First American Title, I would slip stick figure drawings of a guy hanging by a noose on an affidavit of death document. Things aren’t that different today now that I am a real estate agent and sell homes in Sacramento.

I’ll give you a few “real world” examples from the past few days. See, this is the thing about real life in real estate, it’s so real that a reality show could never be made about it. It’s so real that people might think this agent made up stuff just to be funny, but I don’t have to make stuff up because it’s the godawful truth.

  • An agent sent me an offer and included a note saying she knew I had mentioned that my name needed to go on page 8; however, she had put another agent’s name in that spot and now there was no room for my name.
  • I asked an agent if her buyer could afford a higher sales price if the short sale bank demanded it because the offer was low, and the agent said no, but the seller should help the American home buyer.
  • When I asked a tenant if I could shoot photos of her home with furniture in place, she said sure, the movers were coming on Wednesday, so could I come over on Thursday.
  • Sellers needed to transfer utilities in their name after the tenant moved to allow a final walkthrough for the buyer, and they agreed to do so as long as they could charge the buyer for it.
  • First time homebuyers asked if they could buy a home with no money, no reserves, no way to borrow any money and the home needed to be a foreclosure because their sister bought 27 homes without any money.

It takes a special kind of personality to sell Sacramento real estate. If I let all of this get to me, I would not be doing a competent job nor taking care of my clients, and that’s not how I operate. Besides, it wouldn’t be a regular week in real estate without a little craziness.

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