The One Tool a Sacramento Real Estate Agent Needs

Sacramento-real-estate-agent-sold-sign.300x201Besides a charming personality, which certainly helps a Sacramento real estate agent to get along with people, the number one tool an agent needs is a cellphone. But it goes beyond that. You can’t just buy a cellphone and stay in business. To stay in the business, you’ve got to actually answer your phone. It sounds so simple, so easy to do that people might scoff at this and believe anybody can answer the phone, even a trained monkey can answer the phone, and they would be wrong. There are many real estate agents who don’t answer the phone.

I know this because when potential clients call this Sacramento real estate agent, the first thing they say is: “Am I talking to a real person?” or “I can’t believe I have a live person on the phone.” For that reason alone, I’m getting the business and not some other agent in Sacramento. I’d like to think that people are working with me because I’m witty, fun to be around, smart, I’ve got years of experience, and I care about them, but no. They work with me because I answer my darn phone.

Yesterday, I held 6 open houses in Sacramento. It’s hard enough to believe that I have six homes for sale in Sacramento that have not yet sold, but five of those have not been on the market for very long. It was National Open House Weekend. It was also Lyon Real Estate’s Extravaganza Sunday. Ordinarily, open houses do not sell houses but they don’t hurt the sale process, either. It’s good to let people know the inventory is there.

Two hours before an open house was scheduled to begin on a brand new listing that just hit the market on Friday, the agent called to say she was sick. Because she was so ill, she couldn’t hold open the house. My commitments conflicted with the Open and could not be changed, but I would be danged if I would let down a client to whom I promised the home would be open. None of my Elizabeth Weintraub Team members could do it because they already had open houses scheduled. If push came to shove, I decided, I would find a way to be in two places at once. But first, I called my back-up open house agents, those who are eager to meet and greet the public.

I called 21 real estate agents. Of those, 3 answered the phone. A fourth called me right back because she was with a client at another open house and could not answer her phone. Another returned the call a few hours later when she noticed that a person had hung up who had called her, and she wondered who it was. I left messages for four of them and not one returned my call. The 3 who answered the phone had other commitments themselves that afternoon, but I noted the fact that they answered their phone. If I’m ever in this pickle again, they are the agents I will call.

The fourth agent who was busy with a potential client is the agent who agreed to hold the home open. She finished her early open house just as mine was about to start. She rushed over and there were already people on the front porch waiting for her to open the door. I will call her again, too. She has all the marks of going far in this business. In my book, she’s my go-to open house agent. The one you can count on in an emergency. When you need something done, you call a busy person. When that busy person answers the phone, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re looking for a Sacramento real estate agent, call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916 233 6759. I’m a busy agent who answers her phone.

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