donna douglas

When Does a Sacramento Short Sale Agent Quit?

Before I talk about when to give up on a Sacramento short sale, let’s look at attitudes. A person’s attitude affects everything a person does and how that person is perceived by others. A person can choose to be happy or miserable; nobody can make you miserable without your own permission. I will give you an example. OK, it’s kind of a funny example but what else do you expect from a loopy Sacramento short sale agent?

I read the birthdays in the paper. The Sacramento Bee lists the oldest people first and whittles that list down to the younger people or, as I view them, the insignificant. Hey, I’m not an ageist, it’s just that I have learned to stop reading the list when I get about 20 years past my own age. That’s because there are some birthdays of celebrities which make me feel good about my own age and some that do not. I use those dates as a measuring stick because I don’t have any kids who do that for me.

Donna Douglas, for instance, from the Beverly Hillbillies, was born in 1933. The fact that she is 79 now makes me feel happy and hopeful. Brigitte Bardot is 78. Raquel Welch is a youngster at 72, and Jane Fonda is 74. On the other hand, you’ve got Janeane Garofalo at 48, Brook Shields, 47; and Molly Ringwald, 44. How did those women get to be so old so fast? Oh, wait. They are all much younger than me. Which makes me, at 60, ancient, older than dirt. No, that doesn’t induce warm, fuzzy feelings. So, see, I just stop reading when I get to the women in their 40s.

But when it comes to Sacramento short sales, I never stop. I never give up and throw in the towel. And I always try to keep a positive attitude because it affects the outcome of my work. That’s the secret to being a successful Sacramento short sale agent. Not every agent in Sacramento is cut out to do short sales. Some of my closings are littered with failed attempts by others in which I was successful and they were not. I was successful because I didn’t quit.

I will argue with short sale bank negotiators until the cows come home. If a short sale gets rejected, it’s just one step closer to acceptance because I’ve eliminated that particular path. Other agents don’t understand nor embrace this attitude. I know this because I often spot their withdrawn and canceled listings in MLS, and I wonder why they gave up. Only a rookie quits. Very few banks refuse to do short sales nowadays. They aren’t going to spell it out for you but there are ways to close even the most stubborn short sales.

It’s best to hire a Sacramento short sale agent who sees the glass as half full. My performance is living proof of that. My production is more than $25 million in sold and pendings already this year. Hey, Lauren Bacall is 88. You know how to whistle, don’t you?

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