Chat help with technology is so disappointing and frustrating. Elizabeth and I use different computers. Elizabeth is a Mac user

Chat Help with Technology

Chat Help with Technology

Chat help with technology is so disappointing and frustrating. Elizabeth and I use different computers. Elizabeth is a Mac user, and I’m a hardcore Windows gal. My desktop hard drive was full at 1TB capacity. The cloud-based program we use to share files and folders had an error message. Elizabeth patiently tried to help me. My Windows system is so different from Apple. To me, it is like trying to speak a foreign language without a translator.

I decided to go back to the program’s chat support for the second time. Three hours later, after deleting the program and reloading it, the same issue presented itself again. I asked for a level two technician. My chat person said that it needed to go to the team that deals with these issues. Of course, they never showed back up. I spent over 3 hours online with chat support.

I reasoned my way through it. I deleted all the pathways to the program and reloaded it. I set everything to sync online, so the file contents were not saved to my computer. Also, the shared file folders, Elizabeth removed some of the shared files which also freed up additional hard drive space.

Finally, my desktop is working normally again. It was so full I could not even print one item. All systems are working fine now. Sometimes you stick to it, and you can figure out a way to get things working. So, chat help with technology, was no help today. Through effort and repetition, I figured out a way to fix the problem. Dumb luck? I guess we will never know.

If you want to buy or sell real estate, call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors with RE/MAX Gold. We can be reached at 916-233-6759.

–JaCi Wallace

JaCi Wallace
Weintraub & Wallace

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