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Sacramento Sellers Who Become Their Own Worst Enemy

yachats oregon

Resort at Yachats, Oregon

Despite all of the crap-slinging earlier in the day, this Sacramento Realtor enjoyed a most spectacular birthday yesterday on the coast of Oregon at Yachats. I turned 63 on Sunday. The day began very strangely. One of my sellers left me a voice mail after hours and then followed it up with an extremely angry text message because some agent did not call him first before coming over to see his home. The buyer’s agent made a mistake, did not fully read the MLS showing instructions and mistook my seller’s home for a vacant home. It’s not often those types of things happen, but many buyer’s agents are not known for attention-to-detail abilities.

I expressed my apologies and contacted the agent to find out why she thought my seller’s home was vacant. She didn’t gain access from the key in the lockbox because the door was locked from the inside. I apologized again to my seller, offered assurance that this is not how agents generally show homes, yet he continued to explode. What did he want me to do? He could not answer that question. He ranted on about things that didn’t make any sense until I realized, uh, oh, this is not a rationale response from a normal person. I texted whether he would like me to cancel his open house for the afternoon. Why yes, he did not want an open house now, nor did he even want me to continue listing his home after 2 days on the market . . . all because another agent did not read MLS showing instructions.

yachats fog

Fog creeps into Yachats, Oregon on big fat feet.

These things happen, and selling is a stressful situation. Still, the guy was a nut job. Crazy, unstable and perverted weird, come to find out. I agreed to cancel his listing but let him know that I am not the broker. Lyon Real Estate is the broker and only a Lyon manager can cancel a listing. I do not have that authority as a broker-associate but I would ask our manager to do it, if he is available. Seriously, dude, screaming at me on my birthday when I’m on vacation and only trying to help is not conducive to this seller’s cause.

That is the point when he threatened me.

Fortunately, my office manager was able to handle the cancellation. Managers are not always available on a Sunday. My team member removed the lockbox but the seller refused to come to the door to retrieve his key. It does not bear well for a seller when agents see this guy’s listing was canceled twice in a row. The previous agent had removed all of the marketing comments and all of her photographs before she canceled her listing with him. That is a sure sign the agent was, let’s just use the word, unhappy, with the seller. Then, I blocked his cellphone number from my phone and went on about celebrating my birthday.

yachats oregon

Dusk at Yachats, Oregon

My husband and I had headed off down 101 for the town of Florence but realized once we drove past the Heceta Lighthouse and the town was nowhere to be seen that we should head back to Yachats, which is a quiet town on the central Oregon coast of 600 or so residents, if we didn’t want to miss our massage. Yachats is the town where I received my 4th gold in Level 10 in Ingress, nestled along the Pacific with lots of places that serve fish and chips. Even though it’s a little chilly, people still sit outside under tents to dine.

As a birthday surprise, my husband got us a couple’s massage, followed by a facial for me. I needed to quickly arrange all of my business for that afternoon as I had a couple more open houses happening, and needed to make sure I could still follow up with my clients in a reasonable timeframe. The facial was the best facial I’ve ever had. No joke. It is called a four-layer facial, which involves 4 different facial masks. My skin is smooth and supple and filled with moisture, which is the complete of opposite of my skin texture in the dry weather of Sacramento. I almost dozed off, but woke myself with a short snort of a snore during the foot massage part, and cracked my mask, which was a tad startling.

When we came back to our room, though, I sold one of my other new listings, which was a pool home in Carmichael, held open on Sunday. Multiple offers, too. Made those sellers extremely giddy. Later that evening, during a magnificent dinner of moist halibut pan-seared in bran oil complemented by various assortments of fungi, I sold another home in the Med Center that had also been held open on Sunday. Spotted the full price offer on my cell. Yup, Sunday was an excellent day for me and two of my clients — who obviously have trust and faith, not to mention the good sense to appreciate what I do. Sometimes, the best thing an agent can do is to quickly cut free the odd-one-out.

You can read more about Elizabeth Weintraub’s 62nd Birthday.

Elizabeth Weintraub’s 61st Birthday.

Elizabeth Weintraub’s 60th Birthday.

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