Do You Need to Call a Sacramento Real Estate Agent?

Old-Telephone.300x200A Sacramento real estate agent who works on commission most likely will always find a way to accommodate the time schedule of a potential client. Once you become a client, though, all bets are off. Just joking! The point I’m trying to get to is that real estate agents tend to work many hours of the day and just about all days of the week, if the job requires it. This is not so with other people who work in Sacramento real estate such as title officers, short sale bank negotiators, escrow officers — salaried employees.

I realize that some clients feel uncomfortable calling a Sacramento real estate agent in the middle of the night, but it’s really OK to call and leave a message. Trust me, I am smart enough to turn off my cellphone at night, so a voice mail or an email will not wake me up. A seller from San Jose called a few weeks ago and asked if it was OK to call on a Sunday, adding his wife had suggested he wait until 10 AM. I love his wife. But if he had called at 8 AM and I answered my phone, who would be to blame for that? Is it his fault for calling or would it my fault for picking up the call?

If my cellphone is turned on, I am in business. I try to always answer my phone. I can tell the people who are anxious because they will call back again and again, hoping I will hang up and stop talking to the person who is occupying my time. I know who they are because I have Caller ID, not to mention, my Jawbone talks in my ear and tells me who is calling.

I’ve heard that some agents are irritated if they are working late at night and call another agent, but that other agent is not working and doesn’t answer the phone. An agent can’t be and should not be on call 24 / 7. Nothing is so incredibly urgent at 9 PM that it can’t wait until morning. I’d like to tell those agents that the world doesn’t revolve around them, but they’re probably too busy staring in the mirror and plucking nose hairs.

If you need to talk to a Sacramento real estate agent, give Elizabeth Weintraub a ring. I love to chat with clients. My cell is 916 233 6759. I answer my phone. I respond to text, too.

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