How Quickly Should A Real Estate Agent Respond To A Potential Client?

A Real Estate Agent

How quickly should a real estate agent respond to a potential client was written by Elizabeth Weintraub for another website. The # 1 reason people complain about real estate agents is agents do not call people back in a timely manner. This is a great article on the subject. ENJOY.

— JaCi Wallace

“Years ago, when I was buying a home in Land Park, Sacramento, and in the process of moving from Minneapolis, I had hired a real estate agent who rarely communicated with me. I would email her and she would not respond. I would leave her voice mails and she would not return my phone calls. Being several thousand miles away and trying to close a real estate deal was stressful enough, but working with an agent whose communication skills were sorely lacking was even more frustrating. It’s not the way I choose to do business.

“You learn a lot when you’re on the other side of the fence, so to speak.

“In my own business, when I receive an email from a prospective client, I immediately respond, and this practice sometimes freaks out the recipients. I guess they aren’t used to it because they tell me how shocked they are that I called or emailed. But it’s easy to respond to people. When I get an email from my website, it generally contains a phone number, which on a cellphone makes it easy to dial. I just scroll to the phone number in the text and click the call button.

“My response time is generally 2 to 5 minutes. If I’m out showing property, I excuse myself to make a quick call to say I will call back at a certain time.

“I’d like to ask the agents who read my blog: how quickly do you respond to potential client inquiries? My email is set up to download every 2 minutes at my home office and immediately to my cell. That seems normal to me. And to the public, I’d like to ask: how quickly do you feel an agent should respond to your request?”

If you want to have your calls and inquiries returned by a Sacramento real estate agent respond with a timely manner call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors, with RE/MAX Gold, at 916-233-6759.

— Elizabeth Weintraub

elizabeth weintraub
Weintraub & Wallace

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