Jay and Silent Bob Get Old in Sacramento


Jay and Silent Bob

Sacramento Community Center Theatre Entrance

The Jay and Silent Bob Get Old schtick at the Community Center Theatre in Sacramento last night was a POD recording, which the duo performed in person. It was mostly about how Jason Mewes (Jay) is old because he’s 41 and his wife just had a baby, which I found very difficult to find amusing because, quite frankly, I didn’t care. I thought I would care, but I didn’t. Even when they were grinding each other’s microphones on the stage, doing exactly what you think they would be doing, I didn’t find it funny. That’s not to say there were not a few amusing moments, but it was mostly the beginning and the end, and everything else stuck in between was too juvenile to be hilarious.

When we got home, I told my husband that it was not a show about Jay and Silent Bob getting old, it was more about the fact they barely made it past puberty. Still, it was an excellent excuse to enjoy dinner at Ella Dining Room & Bar. I never turn down that opportunity. Yet, it was my idea to go see Jay and Silent Bob, so I can’t complain too much about it, but let me try.

Jay and Silent Bob Get Old in Sacramento

On the upside, we had good seats, the middle of the second row. It was an excuse to get dressed up and go out. But you could say that about anything. You could say that about going to the dentist. You could say that about having to squat at a roadside in-the-floor hole-in-the-ground rest-stop in France. You could say that about flying Coach.

It sort of reminded me of the time my girlfriend, Ronnie, and I stopped by to visit the Grand Canyon on our way from Colorado to California. Our plan was to roast hot dogs on a grill and enjoy a lovely picnic while traversing the wonders of nature. Instead, we got there by driving very slowly down a long dusty road, and it was raining. It was also too chilly to stand outside without a jacket, and all of our warmer clothing was packed beneath piles of crap in the trunk. As a result, we sat in the car and chowed down cold wieners without the hot dog buns or condiments and watched raindrops pelt the windshield. And, even that moment in time was a lot more fun than going to see Jay and Silent Bob Get Old in Sacramento.

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