Evaluation of a Sacramento Short Sale Offer

Short Sale Offer 300x200There are so many reasons to scrutinize and evaluate an offer for a short sale, I hardly know where to begin. I guess I will start by saying there are people in this world, buyer’s agents among them, who wrongly believe that all offers should go to the bank. They also tend to believe that the seller is lucky to receive any offer at all and should not care what the offer is or who it came from or anything else about the offer; the seller should just sign it and shut up.

You might scoff and wonder who could be so incredibly ignorant, but I can tell you that a lot of people fit that description. I help my sellers evaluate purchase offers because they don’t sell a house every day. They also, knock on wood, will only do one short sale in their lifetime. It’s my job to see that the short sale closes.

I am looking 3 months down the road at short sale approval when I examine a purchase offer from a buyer. I consider the odds as to whether that buyer will still qualify for or still be interested in buying that home when we get approval. I consider the financial strength of the buyer, the motives of the buyer, the way the offer was written, who the buyer’s agent is and that agent’s experience level; I also look for signs of cover up or deception. There are a lot of crooked people running after short sales.

I won’t tell you exactly what I look for to determine whether there might be fraud because the crooks will read this and make sure they don’t do it.

In a seller’s market, a seller can also be very choosey as to which offer the seller elects to take. All offers are always sent to the seller, but only one offer receives the recommendation to accept it.

If you are thinking about considering a short sale, call this Sacramento short sale agent first, Elizabeth Weintraub, 916.233.6759. Yes, I will take your short sale if you have listed with another agent who could not get it approved; but I’d much prefer that you call me first.

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