Two Christmas Miracles in Sacramento Real Estate

Two Christmas miracles have happened in Sacramento real estate during our holiday season. The first is a family moving across the country to North Carolina closed escrow on Friday without any hiccups. When I first looked at their property, which we sold them two years ago, I was concerned about the time frame. Having moved across country myself, I know what it’s like and what can go wrong.
We can’t always stop things from going wrong in an escrow, but after an agent has closed as many sales as I have — which is usually one or two a week — I can generally sense disaster. Often I can head-off trouble at inception. But sometimes buyers go sideways and as listing agents we have no control over those people.
I do know this, the last thing I ever want to have happen is for my sellers to be in the midst of loading boxes into a cross-country moving truck when I call to say we are not closing. These types of sales tend to make me a bit nervous. They have to go smoothly. But I had no idea I would receive two Christmas miracles this season.
After the buyers got a pest inspection and all of the other inspections, they asked for repairs. We were able to negotiate a flat credit to the buyer’s closing costs in-lieu-of-repairs. From the time the home went on the market to closing it was 35 days. Many homes in that neighborhood do not even sell in 30 days. But I worked with the sellers beforehand to ensure the home was in tip-top shape and desirable.
The second of two Christmas miracles was receiving an offer for a property other agents said would never sell. But there is always another buyer for fixers in Sacramento. One closing and another transaction going into escrow. It is indeed a harmonious season, and homes are selling, even on Christmas Day.
Now I am off to our neighbor’s house for a Hawaiian feast with good friends in Kona. Perfect time to try the Macadamia Nut Honey Wine from Volcano Winery with dessert. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa and whatever else coincides with celebrations this week!