one star reviews for agents
The One Star Review and a Bad Listing in Curtis Park
A One Star Review is meaningless when the poster is an anonymous bozo with small hands, like Donald Trump
Just in case you think everything in my world is always coming up roses, there are days when things don’t go so well, despite my best efforts to make my life and everybody else’s life around me run smoothly. I talk about the crummy things that happen to me so others will know they are not alone. No matter how much success anybody achieves, there is always a downside. Sure, I really have no complaints about my life. I’d say most days are 99% excellent, but every so often, as a result of that level of happiness, I encounter some weird roadblock. Like a bad listing in Curtis Park.
It’s kind of like waking up to the newspaper on my breakfast table and being confronted by a photo of Donald Trump. I’d rather not look at a picture of him at all, although the photographers do seem to go out of their way to make sure they choose the most unflattering angle and lighting when they shoot him, but there is also the strong possibility that those hideous photos are just how he actually looks. I’ve never met him in person and hope I never will. It’s on my bucket list to never in a million years have to meet Donald Trump. Like that’s even a possibility anyway, ha, ha.
Why don’t reporters employ an orange box with a black X in the center, and use that as his photo? Then we wouldn’t have to look at his mug. If every photographer in America said to themselves that they are going on strike and will no longer take photos of him, and instead they use a generic orange box with a black X, I think America could adjust. But there are other fish to fry. Like avoiding a bad listing in Curtis Park.
Like some bozo who called me late on a Saturday night, several times, to interrogate me about my seller in Natomas. He wanted the sellers’ personal and private information so he could talk them out of joining a class action lawsuit against DH Horton. The builder heard there were lawyers sniffing around the neighborhood, so the builder hired a bunch of assholes, excuse me, to call owners, to try to head off a potential lawsuit. This bozo expected me to help him. He wouldn’t shut up or stop calling. Instead, when I refused to help him, he went over to Google and posted a One Star Review about me that was bogus, such a joke, claiming I refused to give him information about a listing.
David Cowart, he said his name was, and that he owns Squeegee and Me in Phoenix. Well, I’ll never endorse you, David. But then I wouldn’t stoop to your level and run over to Google to brazenly make a false post because you were called out on your ineptness. Get a life, dude. I hope DH Horton doesn’t find out what you do. You’re not helping DH Horton. I’m sorry you have to make telemarketing calls for DH Horton and apparently can’t find a better job.
The Bad Listing in Curtis Park
Then last Saturday a seller in Curtis Park shook my hand, told me I had the listing, after I shot a bazillion beautiful photographs and thoroughly inspected the property. He later came back to say he had discovered a discount agent willing to work for thousands less, and I suggested he grab that stupid opportunity. Agents are not the same. He refused to listen. But I see this as a golden chance to avoid unneeded aggravation. I don’t need to try to further educate this guy. He had no business calling me in the first place. Good luck with that bad listing in Curtis Park.
Further, getting a laughable One Star Review from a person who has no place being a reviewer because he has established a zero relationship and ranks below that of a telemarketer, well, it helps me to appear more real, I suspect. Because most people can’t wrap their heads around the fact agents are not all idiots and that this Sacramento Realtor, does indeed at regular intervals, perform miracles, for lack of a better word. My performance of excellence is just too much for some people to handle. I receive all 5 star reviews from my clients. But at least I don’t have a bad listing in Curtis Park. There are silver linings. Crap is everywhere. It’s how you deal with it that matters.
Bottomline, I sell enough homes to rank in the top 10 agents in Sacramento over and over, year in and year out. My clients love me. I love my clients. And it just doesn’t get any better than that. So there you have it. Even top producers run into bullshit. Slight annoyance, and move on. Spreading joy and love is my motto. Not this hatred thing. No room for a bad listing in Curtis Park either.