making big money blogging
One Way to Make Big Money From Blogging
Many companies are eager to advertise on your blog but do you want them?
Looking to make big money from blogging? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Although, I have to say, my blogging is ad-free and I can’t be bought. Lately it seems that many advertisers are combing the internet looking for bloggers who might want to share links. Posting links on your site to another site tends to increase the authority of that site in Google.
For some reason, obscure, unrelated websites have been contacting me. I’ve probably received 3 or 4 unsolicited emails just this week, asking me to allow guest bloggers or to link in exchange for making big money from blogging. This woman below offered me:
As my husband put it when I forwarded her email to him as the be-all of end-alls. For starters, she lost points for being named Tiffany, not that she can help it. Her client is so well known, she can’t say his name, so his name must be Heisenberg. She’s so flexible, that Tiffany. Read her email to me:
My name is Tiffany Young and I’m with Name Changed, a PR firm in NYC.
I have a client who is interested in getting some basic exposure on your website via a guest blog post, or even just a quick mention of them within one of your articles. This is a reputable, well-known company in the plumbing and home care industry that I’m confident you’ll be comfortable mentioning on your website.
We’re happy to write the post on any topic you suggest, or have you write the post that mentions them. One important note is we’ll need a text link back to my client’s website within the article.
I’m authorized to offer up to $40 for this, and can pay by Paypal, Venmo, or check. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!
It saddens me somewhat to pass on this opportunity to make big money from blogging with Tiffany and her well-heeled client. I guess there are a lot of people who will sell out or they wouldn’t be sending out emails like this. But it doesn’t really fit my model of selling Sacramento real estate.