get out and vote
Sacramento Listings Are Selling and Holy Sh*t You’ve Got to Vote
Holy Sh*t You’ve Got to Vote today is not just a clever video.
All but one of my Sacramento listings are selling, and there is plenty of action on that last one, enough that I imagine it will sell shortly. I honestly cannot remember the last time I’ve had only one listing; it’s been years and years. As I lamented to my husband, a man whose stance is often non-empathetic to my woes, one who tends to state the obvious, he kept true to course by implying we have other major issues today. So yeah, practically all of my Sacramento listings are selling but hey, get out and Holy Sh*t You’ve Got to Vote.
Now, you might wonder what in the world is that Sacramento Realtor doing sticking that link above for Holy Sh*t You’ve Got to Vote into her blog today. Well, you might wonder that if you’ve never read any of my blogs, talked to me in person or know anything whatsoever about my personality and convictions and Midwestern upbringing.
So if you don’t know that, I, too, have something to share with you that I did not know. I did not know that when the video above ends — the video with the hilarious Rachel Bloom (from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), and the gorgeous Elizabeth Banks (who is a spokeswoman for the National Association of REALTORS, not to mention a big-time movie star), and still-bald musician Moby (who has sold 20 million albums worldwide), and a bunch of other celebrities — there are others with the same adorable theme right behind it.
By a whole slew of stars. Even Ben Affleck and Lena Dunham. It’s all on Funny or Die. I encourage you to watch Holy Sh*t You’ve Got to Vote and then just let it morph into one video after the other. Sit here all day and stare at your computer, but please do it after you get out and vote or you might never make it to your polling place.
If you made the right choice, you’ll be satisfied. If you didn’t, well, you’ll be filled with regret for the rest of your soon-to-be pitiful life. And remember, no selfies in the voting booth, damnit.