best agent sacramento
Can I List With Another Agent If My House Does Not Sell?
Only out of the heads of sellers comes a question like can I list with another agent if my house does not sell? I seem to be hit with a lot of odd questions lately. Another seller yesterday enthusiastically mentioned that she found a tenant to rent her house (meaning she does need to sell now) and would I prepare all of the legal paperwork for free? She was very worried about getting sued by the tenant. Because tenants have all of these god awful rights now.
Holy shit! Am I a fairy godmother?
Last time I looked in the mirror, I saw a Sacramento Realtor looking back at myself. Realtors get paid commission when they sell a house. We don’t work on rental properties. And we do NOT prepare legal documents without a law degree. Maybe she’d like me to prepare her family’s will, too, while I’m at it. But I said none of those things, ‘cuz why. What I said was you are so lucky we have a property management company!
The seller who asked can I list with another agent if my house doesn’t sell wasn’t really paying much attention to how his question would be received. Now, another agent might have answered that question with a response that says absolutely and let it go. They do nobody any favors with that approach.
But not me, because I feel a desire to educate and enlighten. Yes, I will go there.
I explained that if his house doesn’t sell, another agent won’t be able to help him, especially not when he’s already hired one of the best agents in Sacramento. If his house doesn’t sell, it will be because buyers no longer want to pay what it is worth or the market has tanked. It will have nothing to do with me.
He responded by disclosing he’s been burned in the past. See, call me out on stating the obvious, but isn’t that purpose of hiring a top producer? So you won’t get burned? Damn those scum-ball agents messing it up for the rest of us. I promise automatic cancellation for all of my sellers if any are ever so upset they want to cancel the listing, which has never happened. Knock on wood, LOL.
I just told him he’s safe because in my 40+ years of selling real estate, not one client EVER accused me of burning them. But I am not unsympathetic regarding his former situation. Further, it’s sad that sellers have to ask this kind of question to start with.
But that’s what we are up against it. Former bad experiences that clients survived with some agent who screwed them over. Well, that kind of lowlife agent is not me.
Who is The Number One Agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown?
The Number One Agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown is Elizabeth Weintraub.
A team member reminded me this weekend that I have not yet blogged about who is the Number One Agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown. First, it helps to know that Lyon has almost 1,000 agents in the company. As if it’s not enough that this Sacramento Realtor has placed four times in the 3 top agents at Lyon Real Estate, she has also earned the top agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown for the past 6 years straight. Of course you know I’m talking about myself. How quickly time passes by when you’re busy with Sacramento real estate.
If my mother were alive today, she would harp on what I’m going to do with the rest of my life, why don’t I go back to school and finish my degree? Or, her favorite, why don’t I get a real job? Then she’d drone on about the doom and gloom of international politics and how our economy is about to collapse. I’d certainly never get to stop listening to her rant about the horrors of our present administration, unless I set the phone down and picked it back up 20 minutes later . . .
I study the awards sitting on my shelf in my home office, and I can hardly believe the journey myself. I’ve had such highs and lows in my real estate career. When I started in the business in the 1970s, I was selling 10 homes a month to investors my first year. Then the Tax Reform Act of 1986 sent the investor side of things to a crashing halt. It’s been ups and downs every since until about 2003. First I earned a few Executive Awards and most Most Improved Sales from Lyon. Then Senior Executive Associate, followed by a couple of top 1% agent awards.
In 2009, I placed as the Number 3 agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown. That was a good year. But 2010 was better; I moved up and earned Number 2 agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown. Now, ever since 2011, I’ve been the Number One Agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown. I recall sitting in the lobby of Lyon Real Estate when I first moved to Sacramento in late 2002. My husband and I were waiting for an agent to show us homes. I glanced over at my husband and said, “I think this where I am going to work.”
Sure, I interviewed with many other real estate offices in town, but I kept coming back to good reasons to work at Lyon Real Estate. Besides, one of those other smaller offices did not want to hire me. I was flat-out turned down. Rejection has never stopped me. And today, well, I have a long history of being the Number One Agent at Lyon Real Estate Downtown. We have around 80 agents, so it’s a decent accomplishment. Not that my dead mother would agree.
If you’re looking to buy or sell real estate in the Greater Sacramento region, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759.
Looking at Sacramento Homes for Sale From a Buyer’s Perspective
It’s very difficult to color correct photographs when a kitten is attacking my television monitor. Typing doesn’t seem to excite little Tessa as much as when I move the mouse around and magic happens in front of her eyes. She appreciates when I use the tool that lightens shadows, and she is madly in love with the adjustments I make using Levels in Photoshop. As a Sacramento real estate agent, I often agonize over my photographs because I want to make sure that each and every photo does its job properly online.
Now, I try not to say anything about other agent’s listings when I see photographs that let’s just say don’t do the home justice. The major thing about presenting a home online is the photos should offer a clear picture of each room that is suitable for viewing and tell a story to the buyer. Contrary to some popular views, we Sacramento real estate agents are not trying to sell a home online, on the internet, we are trying to whet a buyer’s appetite enough to get the buyer motivated to view the home in person.
Sacramento home buyers have choices. Their first introduction to Sacramento homes for sale is online, typically. They might have automatic emails set up by their buyer’s agents, which deliver listings to their inbox as soon as those new listings hit the market. That’s the easiest and the smartest way to search for a home to buy in Sacramento. If a buyer is not receiving emails, that buyer may not realize how much she is at a disadvantage.
When buyers get an email, it may contain a bunch of homes for sale because new listings come out every day. To access the information, it involves clicking on the property address. That’s one click. Up comes the listing with one photograph, the property description and specifics. The listing offers the ability to look at more photographs by clicking a second time. If a buyer does not like the first photograph, a buyer might not click a second time. Moreover, if the buyer does not like the second photograph, the buyer might not click through all of the photographs and will simply discard the listing by moving on to the next home for sale.
Each photograph must encourage the buyer to click again. The marketing verbiage should make the home sound unique. Even if the home is identical to almost every other home in Elk Grove, for example, there is something unique that makes it different that made the existing sellers want to buy it, and that is what will make a new buyer want it as well.
If you’d like to talk more about what this Sacramento real estate agent can do for you, please feel free to call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916 233 6759. I love selling homes in the Sacramento Valley, and I’m not afraid to say I’m good at it.
And, my kitten Tessa? She says she’ll buy them all. This one, and that one, and the next one, too. You can see that she sticks her nose into everything. Even when I’m trying to take a photo of Jackson, our ragdoll.
The #2 Top Agent at Lyon Real Estate
Yowza, this Sacramento real estate agent received the #2 Top Producing Agent Award at Lyon Real Estate for 2012 yesterday — which, in case you’re wondering, does not mean I try harder — yet gazing upon it makes me wonder: where do old awards go to die? My awards fill up two shelves in my bookcase. Many of them are made from crystal or glass formed in pinnacle or other appropriately awardy-looking shapes. Then, there are the plaques. Some of my plaques go back to 1979, when the California Association of REALTORS named me one of 30 people in the state of California who qualified to earn the educational RECI designation, an acronym for Real Estate Certificate Institute, which, when C.A.R. discovered so few agents qualified for the designation or even cared to qualify for the designation, it discontinued the recognition, probably because there wasn’t enough money in the process for C.A.R.
The award for being the #2 Lyon agent out of 900-some is a gigantic engraved crystal vase. It has my name and the fact I earned the top 1% status of all agents at the company. It looks exactly the same as the Top 1% award I won in 2011 when I placed #5 in the company, except that vase is noticeably smaller. So, that must mean it’s a much bigger deal to be ranked in the top 3 agents than to be ranked in the top 5 agents, or maybe the company just had more money this year to spend on crystal vases. Not knocking being a top agent at Lyon, just wondering. It’s not like I can put flowers in the vases because that would be kinda tacky. You can’t really use them for a purpose. They have to sorta sit there and look pretty all by themselves.
I also picked up for the second year the #1 Top Agent Award for the Lyon Downtown office, although our office is actually located in Midtown Sacramento. This office was once located downtown a long time ago in the 1940s, but why change the name now, I guess. We’re just the Lyon Downtown Office, even though we serve Midtown, Land Park, Curtis Park and East Sacramento, as well as the rest of Sacramento and into Placer, Yolo and El Dorado counties. The size of the award is identical to the #1 Top Producer Award I received in 2011. But it’s bigger than the #2 Top Producer award from 2010 and the #3 Top Producer award from 2009. I guess it’s good to see the awards get progressively bigger as the years go on.
But after all is said and done, and I’m kicking up my feet on the deck looking out over the ocean as the sun sets, where will these awards be kept? Will I leave them behind in the states? Ship them to my niece? Box them up in the attic I don’t have? What do people do with old real estate awards?