Sacramento Fixer Home For Sale in Rosemont

9165 Thilow Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826 is a Sacramento fixer home.
Here is the house that investors and flippers have been waiting for: a Sacramento fixer home for sale in Rosemont. They say the biggest problem with opportunity is few recognize opportunity when opportunity comes knocking. Or they expect opportunity to change her clothes, lose weight, color her hair or somehow make herself more attractive when she’s beautiful just the way she is. In other words, a buyer doesn’t have to grind out every last dime in a transaction to make it worthwhile.
There is plenty of room in this sales price to do improvements and eventually sell the home to a first-time home buyer, if that’s your cup of tea. Or, you can buy the home for yourself, fix it up and live in it. As long as you’re able to tackle a Sacramento fixer home, have the rehab know-how, then knock yourself out. This is the home for you. The prices in that neighborhood are in the upper 200’s and lower 300’s. This 1963 Sacramento fixer home is listed at $245,000.
It features 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. The Sacramento County Assessor’s records puts the square footage at 1,577. There are hardwood floors mostly throughout and they appear to be in pretty good shape. The kitchen needs a bit of work, as do the two baths. There was an attempt made in one of the baths to update, but something went haywire. Seems like a bit of dry rot and dampness. You may notice the ceiling lights in the kitchen are exposed, and Romex is all over the place. That’s why there is a floor lamp in the kitchen. The cooktop and oven are fairly new. But the cabinets and almost everything else should probably go.
An interesting feature is the satellite living room features a fireplace, and there is another fireplace in the family room off the kitchen. The ceilings are popcorn and could contain asbestos.
The yard is overgrown. Weeds are sprouting from the gutters, but hey, the cement tile roof is newer and it seems from the ground level looking up to be in good shape. This Sacramento fixer home is sold in its AS IS condition, and there will be no repairs, no concessions, no renegotiations, regardless of what a home inspection reveals. And we mean it. So get ready to compete for this home. We expect great interest. The most committed buyer will probably land this.
9165 Thilow Dr, Sacramento, CA 95826 is exclusively offered by Elizabeth Weintraub and Lyon Real Estate at $245K. For more information, call listing agent Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759.
P.S. For those of you who read my blog Wednesday morning, I took Horatio back to the vet on Wednesday and had him retested. This time the result was negative. Thank goodness. There is such a thing as false-positive for leukemia testing.