The Resist STAY LOUD Billboards Around Sacramento

Resist STAY LOUD billboards in Sacramento

This Resist STAY LOUD billboard is near 34th on Folsom in East Sacramento.

For the past month, I’ve been noticing more and more Resist STAY LOUD billboards around Sacramento. Most of the time I’m paying attention to the stupid button on my steering wheel to answer the phone, which let me tell you is really hard to do when you’re turning the wheel to go around a corner. Then, the danged call button is upside down, and I can’t find it. So no matter how frustrated I might feel, it does warm the heart to glance up at the road again and notice in the sky the Resist STAY LOUD billboards.

It’s a good thing I have fast reflexes, that’s all I have to say. Those reflexes are what saves me from auto accidents.

And those billboards are all over. I first spotted a billboard on the corner of 5th and Broadway in Land Park last month. A CBS website reports 19 in Sacramento. Then yesterday, as I drove down Folsom in East Sac, I spotted another, so I shot a photo. It depicts the California state bear, with the word Resist in various languages, a call-out I’d say to the diversity we enjoy in Sacramento. This is a California campaign, not just for our town of Sacramento.

At first blush, you might think it’s very anti-Trump, which as we all know is not really a bad thing. But it’s so much more than that. It offers hope for us who do want to keep all of the rights over the years we fought so hard to achieve. It offers hope for those of us who care about our environment and want to protect it, including our national monuments and national parks.


For those of us who refuse to turn back the clock on our reproductive rights and want health insurance for all, not just the wealthy. For those of us who want to leave our children’s children with a better world and not a place where governments rape our lands for profit while ignoring climate change. For those of who believe all humans deserve respect and kindness, regardless of color or religion or gender or sexual orientation. Nobody can tell us whom we love and can’t love.

The Resist STAY LOUD billboards encourages us to continue talking and be loud about it if we have to. We are not alone in these terrible times. Our progressive values matter, not just to us but to millions of others just like us. Even if we can’t figure out which button to push on our steering wheel when it’s turned upside down.

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