Coming Soon Listings From Sacramento and Elk Grove to Lincoln
Coming soon listings are no longer allowed by MetroList in Sacramento without a waiver.
Many Sacramento Realtors do not know we are prohibited from marketing Coming Soon listings that are in off-market status in MLS. We can’t do it (unless we get a waiver signed, which I see no advantage to). That means no signs with Coming Soon on the property, no blogs about it, no posting homes in Zillow or Facebook as Coming Soon listings. And then there are the agents who do know but don’t care. I’m not any of those agents. However, I do have Coming Soon listings from Sacramento to Lincoln that are not yet in MLS, which I bet you’d love to hear about.
Am I right? Would you like to know about Coming Soon listings that are not yet listed but will be soon? You can get on the list of my buyer’s agents or you can contact your own agent and ask your agent to contact me. It doesn’t really mean your offer will receive priority because I have a fiduciary to my sellers, but at least you won’t miss the home when it hits the market. In today’s real estate market, you’ve gotta be Johnny-on-the-spot to snag a house. We have very few homes for sale and a million more buyers than houses. (For you fact checkers, a “million more” is not a literal term.)
Coming Soon Listing Lincoln
Heading the top of the list price-wise is a place in the gated community of Verdera Village, known for its majestic golfcourse homes in Lincoln. Huge square footage, over 5,000. Mind-blowing panoramic views. Explosive sunrises / sunsets. Infinity pool. More bedrooms than any person can probably use except for Octomom. A short sale in the low 900s. Available May 12th.
Coming Soon Listings Curtis Park
Two homes in Curtis Park are coming soon. Both are vintage homes exploding with character. Three to four bedrooms and two baths. Hardwood floors. Two stories each. Updated kitchens and baths. Fairy tale master suites. Hard-to-find garages. Low 700s to high 600s, depending on square footage. Available by Memorial Day.
Coming Soon Listing Elk Grove
Looking for homes in Elk Grove? This is a beautiful single-level K Hovnanian homes situated on a cul-de-sac with almost 1/3 of an acre! Lots of fruit trees and flowers, with a large covered playhouse or hobby room. The home was originally built as a four bedroom but the sellers decided they wanted a formal dining room. So the builder converted a bedroom by opening a wall and turning the closet area into a built-in buffet. Many upgrades throughout. Low 400s. Available May 12th.
Coming Soon Listing Del Paso Manor
The original owners have remodeled this home with love and devotion. All new kitchen featuring subway backsplash and ceramic floors, plus new cabinetry with granite counters. New stainless appliances. Contemporary light fixtures. Refinished hardwood floors. Almost double-size lot, three bedrooms. Low 300s. Available May 17th.
As to why our MetroList doesn’t allow marketing of Coming Soon Listings, I’m not sure, but I suspect it’s because some unethical agents try to capture direct buyer leads and lock out the competition to do dual representation. A few bad apples ruins it for the rest of us. I am a seller’s agent and I do not work with buyers. I don’t have a vested interest in which agent sells our listings, whether it’s an agent on my team, an agent at another company or an agent from the Bay Area. Just as long as it sells and my seller is ecstatic.
Like I said, if you’d like to get on our list of Coming Soon Listings and are unrepresented, call me and I’ll match you with a team member, or call your own buyer’s agent and ask your agent to contact me. Elizabeth Weintraub, Top 3 Listing Agents, Lyon Real Estate, 916.233.6759.